ICs & Complexes

    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Actaea Racemosa 9CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help with premenstrual symptoms like pelvic heaviness and breast pain. It also may help with m...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Acetea Racemosa is a homeopathic remedy made from black cohosh. It may be used to help with gynecology, rheumatology, and behavioral disorders. It ...
    38.2 k
Imprint Activated charcoal is used to remove toxins from the body. It is beneficial during poisoning and drug overdoses. Moreover, it can be used to allevi...
    11.6 k
PEMF Fractures heal up to 87% faster if you treat them with PEMF. This has been shown by research from around the globe. Always combine the PEMF with nu...
    5.28 k
PEMF This PEMF contains information for acute ligament injuries. It can also be used right after surgery.
    1.98 k
PEMF This PEMF contains frequencies for acute ligament injuries. It can also be used right after surgery!
    1.59 k
PEMF This PEMF was designed to be used right after a meniscus injury. Always seek medical assistance in any case of injury or health issue.
    5.07 k
PEMF This PEMF contains frequencies to help with acute muscle injuries. Always seek medical attention in any case of injury or disease.
    9.8 k
    Vie Rayonnante
PEMF Rife frequencies to help manage acute pain.
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint -
Contains: Umifenovir Acetylsalicylic acid Diclofenac
    27.9 k
PEMF If you have acute back pain, this PEMF is for you. It may help reduce pain in the disc and the spine. This IC was created with the following PEMFs:...
    9.48 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Prostatic adenoma is a condition resulting in an enlarged prostate. It may cause prostate inflammation, frequent urination, weak intermittent urina...
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