ICs & Complexes

Results for Vitamins and Minerals
    138 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Cell Salts, also known as tissue salts, are minerals used in homeopathic medicine to help support the body’s health and healing process. There are ...
    1.7 k
Imprint -
Contains: Breast Defense Calcium D-glucarate EGCg (Green tea extract) Advance Nutrient (Morning only) Omega Fish Oils
    2.91 k
Imprint This IC Complex contains manganese, calcium, and sulfur.
Contains: Calcium (MCHA) Manganese (Citrate) Sulphur
    26.4 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is produced naturally in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, ...
    Immersion Health
Imprint thyroid support by Dr. Nigh
Contains: Glandular Pituitary and Hypothalamus T4 (thyroxine) Thymus glandular extract Selenium (Selenomethionine) L-Tyrosine and 1 more...
    3.58 k
Imprint This IC Complex may help manage ADHD in kids.
Contains: Acetyl-L-Carnitine Liraglutide Mind Support Formula Mitochondrial Energy Support Piracetam and 1 more...
    84.3 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint L-carnitine is an amino acid that plays a central role in energy production within cells. It is a necessary cofactor for cells to be able to burn f...
    44.4 k
Imprint Activated charcoal is used to remove toxins from the body. It is beneficial during poisoning and drug overdoses. Moreover, it can be used to allevi...
    1.92 k
Imprint -
Contains: Comprehensive adrenal supporting nutrients DHEA Fluoxetine Piracetam Progesterone blend cream and 1 more...
    156 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Adrenal Glands Support is used to help the adrenal glands and the body during times of stress. The adrenal glands are responsible for producing and...
    11.8 k
Imprint -
Contains: DHEA Omega-3 / Polyphenol Combination Panax Ginseng Pregnenolone Stamina and Adrenal Support and 1 more...
Imprint -
Contains: Anastrazole Comprehensive adrenal supporting nutrients DHEA L-Thyroxine Pregnenolone
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