6 Lee Thyroid

Primary Application
For what
Vitamins and Minerals
For whom
thyroid support by Dr. Nigh
Included ICs
The pituitary gland produces 7 hormones that are fundamental to health: growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, follicular stimulating hormone, thyro...
18 k
Synthroid is the most popular brand of synthetic T4 prescribed for hypothyroidism.
The thymus gland is a key player in the overall health of the immune system. This is where T-cells ("T" stands for thymus) go to mature into functi...
Selenium is a mineral and powerful antioxidant that is essential to health. It may be used to improve immune function, support normal cellular func...
18.3 k
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that enhances the brain, mood, and stress response. It may be used to help with depression, thyroid function, as well a...
54.4 k
Ubiquinol and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a.k.a. ubiquinone, are both powerful antioxidants, but they are not the same โ€“ ubiquinol is the active form of ...

6 Lee Thyroid
Sep 02, 2022
Thanks Anthony. Is there a time limit to stop? I have to do another test in 3 months. I can continue until where to stop a little meanwhile? If not for cholesterol, what would you recommend? Thank you, Chris
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