Medical Disclaimer

AshNu Technologies Inc.

Please read the following medical disclaimer carefully before using this Website, our services and/or our products.

It is hereby explicitly clarified that We, AshNu Technologies Inc., and our Website, Infopathy (, do not offer services or products for the purpose of diagnosis, prescription for, treatment of, or claims to prevent, mitigate or cure any disease, illness, medical or psychological condition. Our Website and its content, as well as services or products purchased from our Website should not be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, or aid in the recovery from any disease or health condition. Diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition requires a qualified health care professional.

The content presented on our Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. Our Website and its content, as well as our services and products are not to be substituted for professional care or advice. You should always consult your physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any matter related to your health. You should not delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on our Website.

Any information direct or indirect, offered on our Website at best references some experimental/anecdotal evidence as its basis and should not be solely relied upon for any medical/therapeutic use. The feedback and testimonials on our Website represent the anecdotal experience of individual users. Testimonials are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Any statements or claims made about ICs or IC Complexes have not been evaluated by medical society of traditional views or any governmental authority, unless otherwise specifically noted, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.

The views and opinions discussed on our Website, or by users, are not to be taken as any form of medical advice or to prevent, diagnose, or treat any form of disease or condition. It is also further explicitly clarified to you that not all the users of our Website are qualified medical practitioners, physicians, or psychiatrists and even in cases where users do have the following credentials, they are not offering any medical advice or related services on our Website. You understand that We are not responsible nor liable for any misuse you make of our Website, its content, or our services and products.

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