ICs & Complexes

    32.9 k
PEMF If you have acute back pain, this PEMF is for you. It may help reduce pain in the disc and the spine. This IC was created with the following PEMFs:...
    10.5 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Prostatic adenoma is a condition resulting in an enlarged prostate. It may cause prostate inflammation, frequent urination, weak intermittent urina...
    3.36 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder is a benign condition characterized by hyperplastic changes of unknown etiology involving the gallbladder wall a...
    25 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) can be thought of as the "energetic currency" for life and powers cellular processes. While the body is able to produc...
    16.6 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Adenoviruses are the main group of viruses which can be isolated from lymphoid tissues of Waldeyer's tonsillar ring and excrement from any apparent...
    3.2 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Adolescent Remedy may help with major issues young adults and teenagers often experience. It may build self confidence, enhance communication and s...
    40 k
PEMF This PEMF is designed to support adrenal function. It contains information to activate the adrenal cortex. It can be used in cases of low energy an...
    42.6 k
PEMF This PEMF was designed to help with adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands, also known as suprarenal glands, are located on top of each kidney and are...
    11.9 k
Audible This Audible IC is for healing the Adrenal glands and for Adrenal fatigue. This IC contains some acoustic waves which are infrasonic and you will n...
    1.91 k
Imprint -
Contains: Comprehensive adrenal supporting nutrients DHEA Fluoxetine Piracetam Progesterone blend cream and 1 more...
    155 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Adrenal Glands Support is used to help the adrenal glands and the body during times of stress. The adrenal glands are responsible for producing and...
    11.2 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint The adrenal glands are two small triangular-shaped organs located on top of each kidney. They produce a variety of hormones such as cortisol, aldos...
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