ICs & Complexes

Results for Free
    1.65 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Just a single frequency of 158 Hz
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Just a single frequency of 280 Hz.
    6.88 k
    Vie Rayonnante
PEMF A clinical study and experiments with animals have shown that bathing patients in flashing light pulsating at a frequency of 40 hertz might reverse...
    1.99 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Single frequency of 429.62 Hz - frequency of water discovered by Prof. Marc Henry.
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Just a single frequency of 50 Hz
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Just a single frequency of 52 Hz
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Single frequency of 633 Hz.
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Single frequency of 72 Hz.
    1.82 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Single frequency of 777 Hz.
    3.18 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible This frequency is associated with the activation of the pineal gland and higher spiritual development.
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible This Nogier frequency may help enhance cellular vitality as well as manage inflammatory and degenerative conditions. Adjust the volume to a moderat...
    7.35 k
Imprint This IC was made with the help of a highly diluted solution of a viral vector-based vaccine. It may be used to help ease side effects and adverse r...
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