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Banana Bev Emmenecker , October 20, 2021
I took a few days off... wow I feel way better after drinking my mix... thank you thank you thank you
KAY MARCIA ODIERNO, October 18, 2021
Diagnosis stage four appendix cancer in Aug 2018 and a blend of Dr. Nigh’s programs has kept me alive and thriving these extra years. I am very appreciative. Marcia
Related Complexes: Moms Immune Support
Carl fanning, October 15, 2021
my Staffordshire bull terrier had Diarrhoea really bad and was incapacitated. She was in Gastric pain so I repeated this PEMF (Kills Norovirus) four times. I noticed after the third run of this IC she began to relax etc. After I used the Blood Detox PEMF twice. Before retiring to bed I filled her bowl with imprinted antibiotic IC Water. Woke early 6 am to see if she was still suffering and to my amazement she was back to her energetic self, greeting me with her tail wagging non stop!! For this to work on an animal shows without doubt theres no placebo effect.!!
andrew black, October 15, 2021
start my day off with this program.
Related Complexes: andrews program
Nathanael, October 12, 2021
This has helped me through some very challenging times with residual anxiety and depression. I do not do well with physical antidepressants, so having this form is wonderful. It really helps in so many ways to improve my well being and mood. If I forget to use it for a couple of days, I start to backslide. A very strong support.
Related Complexes: Em Sunny and Calm
Adrian MK, October 11, 2021
Ran this PEMF IC three times as recommended and experienced relief from an angry state.
Lori, October 11, 2021
This is a testimonial about a female problem, so gentlemen, my apologies for the personal nature of it! I woke up Saturday morning (today's Monday) with the beginning of a yeast infection and it started ramping up quickly within an hour or so. Normally, I'd be frantically trying to contact my doctor for antibiotics, but thought this would be a perfect condition to try treating with ICs. I used the Rife Yeast Infection PEMF (which is a long one), and I noticed an immediate improvement in my symptoms at the end of it. I've spent the weekend using that IC as well as an imprint complex I threw together and as of this morning, I'm not 100% over it, but well on my way, and I'm happy to say I most definitely will NOT have to use antibiotics. As you ladies can attest to, there is no placebo effect possible with this condition, so this has been a wonderful validation of the efficacy of Infopathy treatments!
Related ICs: Yeast Infection
Related Complexes: Yeast Infection-Lori's Complex
Christopher Musil, October 11, 2021
From imprints to PEMF I definitely tell a difference in me and others
Related Complexes: Sport Brain Focus Booster
Michelle , October 11, 2021
i was feeling so very tired, simply exhausted, in the middle of the day. I imprinted this and it is now five minutes later and i feel immensely better!
anonymous, October 10, 2021
As Meghan wrote on the comments section, it really works. Thank you, Kraft&Gesundheit.
Sarah, October 10, 2021
It helps against sore muscles and pain after exercise! Excellent!

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Related Complexes: Muscle Pain Reliever
Katja Riemer, October 08, 2021
programmed in 1L TCM breakfast soup in the morning I feel much stronger, better overall, physically !!

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andrew black, October 07, 2021
Helps in my recovery and supports joint and muscle pain and recovery
Related ICs: Turmeric Complex
Katja Riemer, October 07, 2021
drink 300ml of it in the evening and have it on the bed. Sleep faster again at night! a

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Jonathan Roseland, October 06, 2021
I take this when I'm on actual Piracetam and there's a subjective synergistic potentiation.
Related Complexes: Piracetam Protocol Stack
Broeckx Simone, October 05, 2021
there is a real drive in your Altagg .. and you are lighter .. there is more to laugh about

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Related Complexes: Happy Water
Eda, October 03, 2021
After using this IC i felt inhibited and i had the best day and night. The more i use infopathy ICs and complexes the more they work on both me and my partner, its incredible we wernt expecting this
Related Complexes: Smack
violet jackson, October 02, 2021
I found this very beneficial and will be repeating it daily.
Related ICs: Memory Support
LABORDE Marie-Nadine, October 02, 2021
very clear reduction in muscle stiffness. a lot of biking and weight lifting so IC Hummer, "muscle relaxation" and "delayed muscle pain" one on each thigh in parallel with impregnation drink "post-workout recovery" and "muscle pain relief" associated in the evening to "release emotional and mental stress " it's going well

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Related Complexes: Post Workout Recovery
anonymous, October 02, 2021
My 89 year old mother is constipated because of her medication (heart problems). I gave her this probiotic to drink and it worked! It wasn't until the next day that I told her that she wasn't drinking ordinary water. Since then I have given her this probiotic to drink every day at her request and she is very satisfied. Thanks a lot for this!

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violet jackson, October 01, 2021
As this played the muscles of my face contorted and moved, it felt like memory of emotional pain was leaving the cells of my face. Will listen to this one regularly for awhile.
anonymous, September 30, 2021
Work faster and more efficiently. Tired less quickly.

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Related Complexes: Brain Booster
Petra Zülow, September 30, 2021
After a good 2 weeks of use, I feel so good that I no longer knew how it could be almost pain-free. At the moment I only have minor restrictions. GREAT!

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Amy, September 30, 2021
I've tried this 3 days in a row and noticed a significant difference on my mental focus, clarity, and general energy levels. Impressed.
Related Complexes: Brain Booster
Carla Alton, September 29, 2021
Love this combination for reducing pain, chronic inflammation, arthritis and digestive issues. Highly recommend this ic's.
ross, September 28, 2021
I found this particular IC to be super powerful, pretty much like I had a triple espresso! I actually had to drink less of it as its power meant I was anxious in the afternoon which would happen to me if I drank an actual coffee, so it works!! Will use but decrease the amount of times I drink the IC. Really impressive!
Carla Alton, September 27, 2021
Really helps with boosting my immune system and energy during the day.
anonymous, September 26, 2021
suffer with outbreaks of eczema around the nose and cheekbones ..this IC cured the problem after 2 days of running the program twice a day.
Related ICs: Eczema
anonymous, September 26, 2021
Surprised that this worked. I've felt nothing from any other ic. My back pain has decreased using this.
Related ICs: Tramadol
Kellee Machado , September 26, 2021
I use it to stay focused and energized to study and work. The story I want to share is about a friend whose debilitating neurolgical disorder causes her to have restless leg syndrome. She stayed the night at my house without her prescription for Gabapentin, so I made her a complex that included Gabapentin, Calcium-Magnesium, Super Sleep PEMF, and Brain Delta. Not only did she not have the symptoms of restless leg but she slept through the night!
Related Complexes: Lucin Daily Support
Katja Riemer, September 24, 2021
I program my nasal rinsing with it, since sneezing is my very first cold symptom. Helps great!

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Related Complexes: Endobalance Infection Killer
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