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Jonathan Roseland, November 07, 2021
I don't have any knee issues but I use a standing desk for about 7 hours a day and my knees get a bit tired, so I tried Knee Pain Relief - using the Hummer on each knee. I do think it relieved a bit of strain and I managed to stay standing about 90 minutes longer.
Related ICs: Knee Pain Relief
Jonathan Roseland, November 07, 2021
I tried the Super Sleep PEMF, I held the Hummer to my chest for 15 minutes while watching a show. Combining this with the Super Sleep plus CBD that I drank and a little before-bed red light therapy I slept heroically and had a memorable dream.
Related ICs: Super Sleep PEMF
Jonathan Roseland, November 07, 2021
The first PEMF IC I tried was Love (Crown Chakra) during meditation before date night with my wife, I just placed the Hummer on my chest. Before sitting down to dine with my love I also drank the new Psilocybin IC, and I found myself in a state of sublime relaxed arousal. We did a roleplay together and then made love very playfully.
Related ICs: Love (Crown Chakra)
Ackle Romina, November 06, 2021
Use the IC for hip and knee pain and for ISG blockages, as drops or I put the pad on directly. The discomfort becomes less and the pain less. With the ISG, it supports the healing process and I am pain-free again sooner.

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Related Complexes: Joint Pain
Jonathan Roseland, November 06, 2021
I tried it twice while fasted and I do think it had a subtle positive effect on my mood - I did meditation on it, hoping for some kind of trippy light show on the back of my eyelids but nothing...
Related ICs: Psilocybin
Prakash Verapen, November 03, 2021
A wonderful, balanced variety of ingredients. When I take this I feel calm yet energised
Related Complexes: SuperFoods
Ehren Van Der Werf, November 03, 2021
I've noticed stronger/faster gains in the gym! In fact my spouse told me to use caution as she thinks its not 'normal' to see a change that fast.
Related Complexes: Testo and Trainings Booster
Don Malec, November 03, 2021
I enjoy the T- boost
Related Complexes: Male Health
André Minhorst, November 03, 2021
I have the impression that I can keep the onset of cold symptoms in check with this IC.

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Related Complexes: Endobalance Infection Killer
Banana Bev Emmenecker , November 02, 2021
it really show up when you use it regularly.... then you don't use it . That is when you notice.
Related Complexes: Super Sleep plus CBD
anonymous, October 31, 2021
My acid reflux has gone
anonymous, October 30, 2021
this works clear MRI
Related Complexes: Cancer Complex
Mary Ellen , October 30, 2021
This helped me feel better when I thought I was coming down with a cold. Helps my allergies at night a ton!
Don Malec, October 29, 2021
Gives my brain a boost
Related Complexes: 5 Anti-Aging Nootropics
Denise Black, October 28, 2021
85 years old and still playing tennis and golf twice a week. IC helps my total health and recovery
Related Complexes: Denises program
nicole song, October 28, 2021
I use this Ic complex whenever my son and daughter have skin trouble. The result is really great!
Related Complexes: Nicole impetigo
Don Malec, October 26, 2021
I imprint my pre-workout drink. Works great.
Scott Hamill , October 26, 2021
I feel like it helps my recovery from a hard workout.
Related Complexes: Body repair
Denise Black, October 26, 2021
great addition to my complex
Related Complexes: Strengthen and Tone Vessels
Diego, October 26, 2021
I have three herniated lumbar discs so when I surf too much they get inflamed and I get a lot of pain. I used the Arnica imprint in my water and then pain goes always in minutes it’s amazing!
Related ICs: Arnica
Jess Schroeder, October 25, 2021
After using this I definitely feel like I have a deeper sleep, it's one of the IC's that I am pretty confident I can actually feel the difference
Related Complexes: Sleep Booster
anonymous, October 25, 2021
The plants literally explode. Do not need any fertilizer or the like.

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Related Complexes: Plant growth booster
andrew black, October 24, 2021
use this IC everyday. Definite improvement in hair and skin tone!
Related Complexes: Strengthen and Tone Vessels
andrew black, October 24, 2021
highly recommend for stress and depression
Related Complexes: Chinese 5 Elements + Qi
KAY MARCIA ODIERNO, October 23, 2021
Haven't had to use any other prescriptions for allergies since using ICs….. I take half a 16..9 bottle in the morning and the other half before sleeping which allows me to breathe through my nose all night.
Related Complexes: Marcia O'Dierno allergy remedy
Don Malec, October 23, 2021
Improves joint mobility
Related Complexes: Joint support
Paul Carey Nester CNC, October 23, 2021
Always our go to!
Related Complexes: Antibiotic Complex
andrew black, October 23, 2021
use this with sleep complex at night and have great results!
Related Complexes: Pain Relief Complex
Matt Sena, October 21, 2021
I have such neck issues and this helped
Related ICs: Stiff Shoulder (Rife)
Darrin, October 20, 2021
I really like this IC. I felt a coolness and a calming from the inflammation I was feeling in my eye. I was using a large 32 ounce glass of water. I would take a swallow and hold it in my mouth for 10 seconds. I will try placing a Eye dropper in a single use vial and see what happens.
Related Complexes: Antibiotic Complex
anonymous, October 20, 2021
I've been using this IC in combination with Trauma and Shock Release. Although the shift has been subtle, it is real. Thank you, Ease2Wellness.
Related ICs: Freedom
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