What people say

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anonymous, February 12, 2022
I work as a veterinary technician so I am on my feet all day. I run this program at night after I get home from work. After a couple months of use, I am able to climb stairs for the first time in years without discomfort.
Related Complexes: Knee Pain Relief PEMF
anonymous, February 11, 2022
Every time I use this IC I have a very restful night’s sleep.
Related ICs: Healing Sleep
Gail, February 10, 2022
I used this for the first time last night. I fell asleep quickly and my FitBit recorded 1hr 27minutes of deep sleep, which is twice as much as I normally get. I will keep using and monitoring but that was pretty impressive.
Related ICs: Super Sleep PEMF
Elissa Helfrey , February 08, 2022
So far the Energy Awake is my favorite energy one. I put it on my sternum and can feel the power up inside, which is saying a lot with fibromyalgia! I'm so excited to keep trying so all of these. I'm working through my different symptoms and finding some relief! Thank you for the very out of the box thinking!
Related ICs: Energy Awake
anonymous, February 08, 2022
My plants respond really well to this IC program.
Related Complexes: Plant growth booster
Kirsten Perley, February 06, 2022
Strong relaxation and very rested after waking.
Chad , February 06, 2022
So far I am loving it and feeling the complex's I have selected
Anne Schneider, February 06, 2022
Helps very well with daily use!

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Related Complexes: All-in-one-DETOX
anonymous, February 04, 2022
Was exposed to someone who tested positive to covid took this for 3 days straight & never tested positive...
Elizabeth J N Freeman, February 03, 2022
Just found this & am so impressed with this... Thank you. RCK
Related ICs: Natural Thyroid
anonymous, February 03, 2022
Taken while still fasting first thing in the morning for systemic benefits.
Related Complexes: Peter's Enzymes & Probiotics
Elizabeth J N Freeman, February 03, 2022
Helps with everything love this complex thank you .
Laurie Coreno, February 02, 2022
My plants grow so quickly !!!
Related Complexes: Plant growth booster
anonymous, February 01, 2022
The weight is slowly reduced; the feeling of hunger is much less present

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Related Complexes: Fat Keto Boost 2.0
Caroline Droege, February 01, 2022
My plants are growing leap and bounds. One that hadn't shown growth on a year has 5 new plants now growing up!
Related Complexes: Plant growth booster
Pam kososki , January 31, 2022
Pretty cool experience. I wasn't sure what to expect with this one. Very relaxed, helps me tap into my creative side.
Matt Sena, January 30, 2022
Mold is a highly underrated problem and the IC is noticeably freeing my lungs! thank you!
Kathrin Ben Haim, January 30, 2022
Brilliant. can walk again without pain

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Related ICs: Knee Pain Relief
Matt Sena, January 30, 2022
I'm impressed by all the most used Heart PEMF programs. Simply put, our emotions are *so* much more connected with our health than we usually realize! Give it a try, give it a cry!
Related ICs: Heart Field
anonymous, January 30, 2022
feel immediately after application Applications for skin

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Related Complexes: HautkomplexBen
anonymous, January 30, 2022
THIs is a great supplement to lower your prescription! I My script ran out so I used this imprint & my levels of T4 was no affected. RCK
Related ICs: L-Thyroxine
KAY MARCIA ODIERNO, January 29, 2022
I am a very volatile person and this helps me when I’m in a situation where I’ve aggravated myself to keep my blood pressure in the best range possible for me.
Related Complexes: Hypertension Complex
Don Beaulieu, January 29, 2022
I use this Whole Body Chiropractic PEMF about once a month for more than a year and I've experienced good results and feel back to my normal self usually within 24 hrs of running the PEMf once or twice. I use to regularly receive Chiropractic adjustments but since I started using this PEMF I've not seen a Chiropractor so I know this works and it's completely pain free and I'm saving money not having to get adjusted.
anonymous, January 29, 2022
After breakfast I drink the vitamins in the morning. My hair is fuller and I feel stronger.

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Related Complexes: Vitamin Frauen 3
anonymous, January 28, 2022
I have been using this IC Complex everyday with Energy boaster complex since start of Jan 2022. Have been really impressed,feel stronger,fitter and more energetic. Love it..Thank you guys.
Paille Daniéle , January 28, 2022
I am with covid and I am using ivermectin azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine treatment and I must say it is very good

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anonymous, January 27, 2022
i feel more focused and able to work.
Related Complexes: ADHD (Kids)
anonymous, January 27, 2022
It works very well for indigestion. Take in the morning and evening.

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Related Complexes: Probiotika 5
Jake, January 24, 2022
It helps the whole family. They feel recharged and calmer during the day
Related Complexes: Family Heath
Shari Aultman, January 21, 2022
I love this IC. I feel calmer and more balanced as I encounter all the stressors of the day. I love the concussion mode on FSM as well, but using glowing IC pad is simpler, no wet towels, :)
Lloyd Blake, January 21, 2022
This is pretty amazing. I’m not sure how it works but I do feel something different when I use it.
Related Complexes: Anti-Aging & Age Reversal
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