Abdominal Cavity Regulator

Primary Application
For what
Mental Health and Nervous
For whom

This IC may help restore gastric mucosa, muscles, colon muscles and the esophagus. It may be used to clear the sinuses, bronchi, and diaphragm. Abdominal Cavity Regulator may also be used to help reach a calm state, boost confidence, and balance obsessive behaviour.

Abdominal Cavity Regulator
Sep 10, 2023
Can this be used by holding near the belly over clothes? Or does it have to be in contact w the skin. I want to try on my husband at night while he sleeps. If touches the skin he will wake and not want to do it. The glowing pad has helped me so much but my husband doesn't want to try it. He has so many gastric issues but he refuses to try anything besides medication. I try giving him the water but he doesn't even drink regular water during the... See more
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Jun 30, 2023
This program will not work anymore. No lights regardless if I restart, shut down completely and restart my iPad etc. is there a problem with it??ย 
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Dec 08, 2022
Hello dear Anton! Can you please insert frequencies for a diaphragmatic hernia? Best regards
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Sep 23, 2021
If using this with an IC Pad should one feel anything? Also how many times should one run this to get the effect?
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Sep 21, 2021
Can the program also relax abs?
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Apr 11, 2021
This program is so short. Okay to do more than once?
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