Immune Regulator

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For what
Cleanse/Restore the Body
Immune and Lymphatic
Skeletal and Muscular
Vitamins and Minerals
Herbs and Botanicals
For whom
Peptides, stem cells, hormones, adrenal support, and herbs to help regulate an overactive immune system.
Included ICs
BPC-157 and TB-500 Peptide Blend, referred to as “Wolverine Peptide Stack” by Ben Greenfield, takes the benefits of both peptides to stimulate woun...
27.7 k
Naltrexone is a medication that is used conventionally in the treatment of opiate addiction. In low dose naltrexone therapy (LDN), though, it is us...
14.6 k
Full spectrum CBD Oil contains all the components of the cannabis plant, including up to 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It may be used to help re...
This PEMF is designed to support adrenal function. It contains information to activate the adrenal cortex. It can be used in cases of low energy an...
209 k
DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, is an anabolic steroid and precursor to testosterone. Serum values can be used as a surrogate marker of adrenal he...
128 k
Ashwagandha is an herb that has been part of Ayurvedic medicine for over 3000 years. Modern research on the herb has shown that it can help reduce ...

Immune Regulator
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Imprint This IC addresses the gut permeability that drives autoimmunity, the immune imbalance underlying rheumatoid arthritis, and the inflammation that re...
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Imprint This IC addresses the gut permeability that drives autoimmunity, the immune imbalance underlying rheumatoid arthritis, and the inflammation that re...
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Imprint Several natural compounds and nutraceuticals have been explored for their potential to modulate the immune response, including the stimulation of i...
Contains: EGCg (Green tea extract) Echinacea Curcumin Plus Resveratrol Organic Germanium (germanium sesquioxide) and 1 more...
Imprint An instantaneous at home self-healing method. Directions: Run PEMF all at once with 1 repeat (total 40 min session) using Glowing IC Pad. Sandwich...
Contains: Connective Tissue PEMF TB-500 Peptide Chronic Joint or Ligament Pain Trauma Joint Quick Fix and 3 more...
PEMF Circadian rhythm also called the “body’s clock" which sends signals to vital organs when it's time for them to rest or kick into action. The natura...
Contains: 1-3 a.m. Liver 1-3 p.m. Small Intestine 9-11 a.m. Spleen 7-9 a.m. Stomach 11 p.m. - 1 a.m. Gall Bladder and 7 more...
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