Pai ombro tendon

Primary Application
For whom
Included ICs
6.19 k
This PEMF was designed to help support the healing of the tendons.
4.37 k
This PEMF was designed to support the healing of torn ligaments.
5.28 k
This PEMF contains information for acute ligament injuries. It can also be used right after surgery.
This PEMF was created with the help of essential frequencies that aid with chronic joint or ligament pain.
This PEMF IC is ideal for Athletes who want to reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after sport. It also contains frequencies for tendons, l...
11.5 k
This PEMF was created with the help of essential frequencies that aid with tendon pain (any flat tendon) due to overuse or faulty biomechanics.
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
DM, February 12, 2024
Iย  use for the time indicatedย 
I use in my armย 
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Pai ombro tendon
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