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Stephanie Thomas, June 12, 2024
Related Complexes: Parasite Assassin
Devin Campbell , June 12, 2024
More energy, 
Related Complexes: Vitamin C plus
anonymous, June 12, 2024
Just love the flowers!!!
Related Complexes: Flower Essence January 7, 2024
Toutain annie, June 11, 2024
Good morning. For 10 days, I have been preparing for my little dog with Anagalis to treat itching problems. Sometimes she seems to be doing better, scratching less but I don't have enough perspective yet. I continue because I believe in it! ! ! If everything works for me, why not my little dog??? Thank you

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Related Complexes: Anxiety & Depression
Mary Jonaitis, June 11, 2024
Symptoms of Tedonitis have receded with this remedy, using it for one week.
Related Complexes: Ultra Tissue Regeneration
anonymous, June 11, 2024
Related Complexes: Skeletal Pain Extreme
anonymous, June 10, 2024
I'm very sensitive and pick up other peoples energy. This IC helps to clear and clean.
I feel more clear and focused and balanced. i use it everyday. thank you for the Tech
anonymous, June 09, 2024
Heart health and cardiovascular capacity seem much improved after several weeks of drinking this water imprint.
Related Complexes: Heart Health
John Hunter, June 09, 2024
Related Complexes: 2OH Estrogen Modulator
Simone, June 09, 2024
Feels as if it twists and turn a lot of connections and put them together again. I do feel a distance to everything in a good way after using this which stays a while. Combined with breathwork it leads to more calmness and grounding
Simone, June 09, 2024
I love it. Very subtle, mood lifting and helpfull for shaky days
Related Complexes: Brain Booster Lithium
anonymous, June 08, 2024
It is easier to fall asleep afterwards and you also feel more relaxed.

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Robert M Black Jr, June 06, 2024
Always feeling Great !
Mary Lynn Bellamy, June 06, 2024
This one helps me to fall into a deep sleep very quickly.  
Related ICs: Beauty Sleep Blend
Charles Williams, June 05, 2024
I'm using it to make sure I get adequate or even optimum vitamin and mineral supplementation.  I do not subjectively detect a noticeable, constitutional improvement, but its overall benefits are likely to be subtle and more salient over time.  Today I decided to imprint a smoothie with it, 6 times.  It may yield more obvious results.
Danny Duncan, June 03, 2024
I've just started this a few days ago so I can't say as to the long term results yet. But this PEMF feels so good while running, strangely good, like a deep tissue massage. I run it once on my abdomen, and once on my head, daily.
A severe and extended mold exposure is what kicked off extreme health issues for many years, so this is a great relief to be finally addressing.
Robert M Black Jr, June 03, 2024
Perfect way to prep myself before workout !
anonymous, June 03, 2024
As I heal and learn to perceive my body and it's needs, the ways it communicates more clearly is remarkable. (Shout out to Your Body Will Show You The Way - Ellen Meredith) One of those ways is with pleasure! And that's what I'm feeling while playing this. 

I've been immobilized to the point of being sedentary, for many years. I am just starting to be able to move around more again but still cannot exercise or do the kinds of cardio that move lymph. So this PEMF feels AMAZING.

I'll take it easy though to avoid detox symptoms, maybe playing it just a few times per week to start.
anonymous, June 02, 2024
always makes me feel better
Related Complexes: Anxiety & Stress
anonymous, June 02, 2024
really helps with a tight sore back!
Related Complexes: Sore Back
John Hunter, June 02, 2024
swelling is reducing
Related Complexes: Gout Poconeol Complex
ecorreia, June 02, 2024
The anti viral complex  is really effective for me  in helping me stay healthy after being around sick people 
Related Complexes: Anti-viral complex
Agnes de Balasi , June 01, 2024
Almost immediate relaxation and sleep 
Related ICs: Super Sleep PEMF
anonymous, June 01, 2024
I actually got younger. Everyone I meet tells me that I feel younger.

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Related Complexes: 노화방지(치매예방)
anonymous, May 31, 2024
With just one download I have everything I need on a daily basis.
Camie Nord, May 31, 2024
Helped my son while in Belize.
Related Complexes: Respiratory tract infections
anonymous, May 30, 2024
I do feel more calmer when drinking this water 
Related Complexes: Duane & Lynn
anonymous, May 29, 2024
Noticing definite benefits with this ic as cramping ceases with use and returns when not drinking this water.
Related Complexes: Leg Cramp Relief
Christine Pfleger, May 29, 2024
It’s one of the IC’s that brought down my pancreatic cancer Tumor by 25% in a 3 month period
anonymous, May 28, 2024
My neurodermatitis causes my ear canals to itch and become inflamed from time to time. I drank a glass of water with it three times a day and noticed a significant improvement on the second day. The swelling in my ear canals went down and I could hear better again. The pain and itching went away.

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Related ICs: Ear Infection Remedy
Kathi, May 28, 2024
I woke up with a headache. Been needing a massage but haven't made it. My neck is super tight and my whole head hurts. I have used many different PEMF's and ibuprofen water. It made my pain bearable but the fascia is the one to release much of the pain. Still some issues by wow. I could feel it!
Related ICs: Fascia Pain
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