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anonymous, July 23, 2024

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Related Complexes: ursula
John Hunter, July 20, 2024
charging water with this one! So far so good
Jane Barrett, July 19, 2024
i struggle with a stiff sore back. This clears it up right away!
Related Complexes: Sore Back
Marian Roper, July 19, 2024
Daily and wonderful!
Related Complexes: Anxiety & Stress
Emma Beesley, July 18, 2024
I always feel energies after drinking this IC. I am peri menopausal and have been suffering with CFS. This really makes a difference mentally and physically. 
Related Complexes: Everyday
Hans, July 18, 2024
I have experimented with 2 butternut squash plant with IC water and 2 butternut plant with normal regular water and amazed by the difference.The 2 ones with IC  5x bigger and the growth 5x faster ;)
Related Complexes: EZ Green Thumb
Jane Barrett, July 17, 2024
really clears up my vision.
Related Complexes: eyes
Penny Heer, July 17, 2024
This has kept a partially blocked artery from getting any worse 
Very greatful for that
Related Complexes: atherosclerosis
Carole Senogles, July 17, 2024
Really felt the vibrations working. Excellent. 
Related Complexes: Joint and Spine Complete PEMF
Herbaut, July 16, 2024
Good morning,
My knee pain faded quickly, disappearing completely and allowing me to resume running peacefully. I am really very satisfied with this complex. Thank you ICs!!!

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Related Complexes: GENOUX SAND
anonymous, July 15, 2024
Great Ic

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Related Complexes: Happy Water
anonymous, July 15, 2024
I am traveling and didn’t have quick access to my prenatal vitamins and this blend has been extremely supportive for my baby and I 
Related Complexes: Prenatal Blend
Ivonne Lamers, July 14, 2024
This should be added to every drinking glass because this is crucial for every body to regain back health on many levels!

Marie-Josée MAURICE, July 14, 2024
I am taking a course on hormones and neurotransmitters and had the idea of making a "domapine cocktail" to see the effects on me concretely with my feelings and with this Bio-Well device which uses the Kirlian photo and tests stress and energy in the body. Dopamine will play on desires and motivations. I have it, but I feel like I don't have the "joy" to enjoy it. I would like to have more of this childish joy...
I don't have any feelings yet but 10' after a first drink,
- there are only 2 organs out of balance out of 31 tested (instead of the usual 8 for me), which is still quite rare
- less stress
- and an optimum imbalance whereas in recent days, it was rather a little beyond normal
I'll see about the feelings during the day...
I chose the elements using the pendulum.

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anonymous, July 13, 2024
I began swimming again after a long hiatus, and using this IC I was able to swim for 30 minutes the first day, then 45 minutes the second day.,
Sharon Sanders, July 13, 2024
seems to work just fine.
Related Complexes: Spike Protein Detox
anonymous, July 13, 2024
I listen to it once and I place the headphones on my lung for a second listen every day for 10 days, in order to reduce a significant pleural effusion and to avoid a major intervention….. I do not feel any change for the 'moment! I continue hoping to have a beneficial effect.

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Related ICs: Pleura Toning
anonymous, July 12, 2024
I'm using it with the parallel physical constituents in order to condition the cells to interpret the IC at 100% efficiency.
Related Complexes: Headache Complex Modified
anonymous, July 12, 2024
Good, I think it helps a lot.

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Related Complexes: Diabetes 2.0 Complex
anonymous, July 11, 2024
Less than 2 weeks in, 1x/day, and there is noticeable improvement of my skin quality which was getting quite rough. Not with acne but the result of decades of chronic illness, malnutrition, severe pain, and beginning to get severe sun spots. I'm quite impressed with the results so far, and will continue. 
Related ICs: Skin Support (Rife)
anonymous, July 10, 2024
I have the impression that the improvements in motor limitations were accelerated after a sports accident.

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anonymous, July 09, 2024
Just love my glowpad! So grateful for this technology!
Related Complexes: Energy boost anti-inflammatory
anonymous, July 09, 2024
I use it to ward off migraines, or for cluster headaches.  It is not always as effective as I would hope for, but it does help.  Sometimes I combine it with physical sumatriptan and acetaminophen.  

I avoid anything containing CBD or TCH because the vibratory rates of these substances, albeit medically bona fide, do not agree with my body's system.
Related Complexes: Headache Complex Modified
Mary Jonaitis, July 08, 2024
This does make a big difference for reducing edema from Summer heat and humidity.
Related Complexes: Lymph and Swelling
Yuka, July 07, 2024
I woke up with lower back pain caused by the swollen lymph node(s) touching the nerve. I took a glass of water with "Lymph and Swelling" IC and started applying this IC on my lower back. I didn't have enough time to finish it, so I quit within 10 minutes, but the pain was already gone! Amazing!
Jane Barrett, July 06, 2024
relaxes, hydrated and ready for my day!
Related Complexes: super charged water
Emma Beesley, July 06, 2024
This IC has helped me so much these last few days. I have 2 abscesses and this is the only thing that gives any relief. The general pain has also reduced so I think that it is actually helping to also get rid of them. The pain has been excruciating at times and this works within minutes. Thank you!!! 
Related ICs: Dental Abscess
Aviv Yodfat, July 06, 2024
Very much like the real substance, even get side effects (ringing ears, fatigue) at the higher doses. Take K2 IC to help with side effects
Related ICs: Acetylsalicylic acid
Sharon Goodyear , July 05, 2024
I notice that my endurance throughout a workout is much better when i use this Imprint, and my recovery from the workout is better.
Related Complexes: Pre Workout for Sharon
Robert M Black Jr, July 04, 2024
Always the drink to prep me before my workout!.  It gets the body primed to perform!
Kutas, July 04, 2024
I can now handle the applications better

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Related Complexes: Pain and Inflammation Complex
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