Primary Application
For what
Mitochondrial and Energy Production
Blood and Cardiovascular
Skeletal and Muscular
Blood and Cardiovascular
Skeletal and Muscular
Vitamins and Minerals
Herbs and Botanicals
Herbs and Botanicals
For whom
A gardener's dream come true one-of-a-kind fertilizer that can only be manufactured and acquired in the Universe of Infopathy. Imprint up to 2 liter structured water with 6 repeats. Pause intermittently to shake bottle vigorously. This becomes your full concentrated IC water. To water plants on smaller scale (ie salad soaking), mix 250ml (1 cup) full concentrated IC water in a large basin of cold water. Save soaking water for second use. For larger scale, add 2 liters (9 cups) of IC water (full concentrated or soaking water) in a 5gal food grade bucket. Top it up preferably with cold structured water. Give it a few gentle stir and you have 5gal of incredible liquid super food that you could water multiple indoor and outdoor plants. Alternatively, you could add full-concentrated IC in a 1 liter hose-liquid spreader container. Set spreader dial to 10ml (2 teaspoon) up 15ml (1 tablespoon). This way you could easily carry 1L of spreader attached to a garden hose to water an entire lawn including trees and shrubs. Happy gardening!
Included ICs
160 k
Supercharged Water may help eliminate toxins from the body. It may also be used to help increase mental clarity, support immune system function, in...
39.6 k
This mineral combination contains nitrogen, phosphate, potash, iron, manganese and zinc. It is for nourishing soil for optimal growth of plants of ...
37.8 k
Mineral Complex is used to help prevent mineral deficiencies which can lead to poor health. This IC was created with the help of vitamin D3, boron,...
64.1 k
Fucoidan is a natural sulfated polysaccharide that is found mostly in various species of brown seaweed such as mozuku, kombu, limumoui, and wakame....
Humic and fulvic acids are types of "humic substances", the major components of organic matter found throughout nature as a result of the action of...
24.9 k
Vitamin B Complex + Benfotiamine is a combination of major B vitamins that may help support the nervous system, cognitive function, immune system f...
Similar IC Complexes
5.99 k
This IC Complex is a combination of PEMFs for better Digestion. Just place the IC Pad on your stomach. You can try to use transfer all at once to s...
Ulcerative Colitis (Large Intestine)
Small Intestine PEMF
Liver Detox and Cirrhosis
Pancreas Rehab
Stomach PEMF
An instantaneous at home self-healing method. Directions: Run PEMF all at once with 1 repeat (total 40 min session) using Glowing IC Pad. Sandwich...
Connective Tissue PEMF
TB-500 Peptide
Chronic Joint or Ligament Pain
Joint Quick Fix
and 3 more...
1.67 k
A set of therapies to help eliminate mycotoxins.
Activated Charcoal
Biofilm Buster
1.6 k
This IC Complex may help promote a happy and healthy start to the day.
Pre + Probiotic
All in One Nutrients
and 1 more...
This IC Complex is for the regeneration of the skin after sunbathing. You can imprint your sun cream with it, and also rub the imprinted water on t...
Aloe Vera Gel
Cetirizine hydrochloride
and 1 more...
9.37 k
This PEMF combination is structured to help reduce trauma, anxiety, and stress. You may try to play them all at once to save time. One-by-one will ...
Vagus Nerve Amplifier
Sympathetic Relax
Brain Stem Tuner
Brain Fog
Amygdala Tuner
and 1 more...
3.66 k
This IC Complex contains substances that help target EBV (a virus responsible for 2% of all cancer cases and is a silent killer).
Beta Glucan
Herpes Simplex (Inverted)
Herpes Zoster-Nosode
and 1 more...
This IC is one of the basics of phase 1 of my Endobalance System.
Gut Health – Probiotic
Stamina and Adrenal Support
Phosphatidylserine Complex
Comprehensive adrenal supporting nutrients
and 1 more...
This IC Complex may help provide a healthy and energetic start to the day for many women.
Energy Recharge for Women
Calcium D-glucarate
Pre + Probiotic
and 1 more...
This IC Complex contains natural substances to reduce the risk of sunburn. Despite its use always follow security guidelines while
sunbathing. Sun...
Aloe Vera Gel
Skin Assist
Coconut Water
Sun Remedy
Supercharged Water
and 1 more...
Please select language
Ez Green Thumb took me the longest to find the best formula. What I meant by longest is I really took the time to keep experimenting and tweaking the formula until I got the results that I was aiming for. I read someone just did... See more
Ez Green Thumb took me the longest to find the best formula. What I meant by longest is I really took the time to keep experimenting and tweaking the formula until I got the results that I was aiming for. I read someone just did an experiment this summer with growing squashes using regular water and my IC complexes and got 5x growth spur. That just makes me smile. During the development, when I first noticed amazing results, I thought I was just imagining things. But I really enjoyed the results so I kept going. Every 2 weeks I would tweak the formula. Keep adding more and then taking out some until several months later I reach the point where I said to myself I had reached my perfection. But I still regard it as just a toy. Then my mom started calling it "miracle water" for her plants and then my sister-in-law imprints gallons of water just for her veggies as she claims they keep your plants pest and disease free. My brother asked me when will I share with Infopathy community. The rest is history.
This is my second year using IC complex to as fertilizer in my front and back yard during the spring/summer seasons. This year, I noticed more and more sparrows and finches, even neighboring cats including dogs keep wandering into my property. I live in the same place for 30 years. I've never seen this happening before. A lady was waking her dog and her dog literally parked himself in my lawn for over 30 minutes rolling and laying down. He literally had to be dragged out of my property. The birds keep visiting my property and they don't even care I am nearby. Perhaps this IC complex vibrates 528 frequency. Anyway, just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who ever used this ic complex on this special Thanksgiving season. Thank you and thank InfoPathy community for building this platform.
Would this be good for fir trees? Our trees are dying out.
Trasferirli uno per uno per 6 volte tutti i 19 necessitano circa 4 ore.
Ho provato però ad un certo punto delle sequenze il processo si blocca e devo ripartire da capo.
Chiedo se può andare comunque bene fare tutti gli ICs inclusi insieme per 6 volte o anche per un numero maggiore di volte ed avere lo stesso risultato.
Trasferirli uno per uno per 6 volte tutti i 19 necessitano circa 4 ore.
Ho provato però ad un certo punto delle sequenze il processo si blocca e devo ripartire da capo.
Chiedo se può andare comunque bene fare tutti gli ICs inclusi insieme per 6 volte o anche per un numero maggiore di volte ed avere lo stesso risultato.
Transferring them one by one for 6 times all 19 takes about 4 hours.
However, I tried at a certain point in the sequences the process stops and I have to start again from scratch.
I wonder if it would still be okay to do all the ICs included together 6 times or even a greater number of times and have the same result.
Thank you
Transferring them one by one for 6 times all 19 takes about 4 hours.
However, I tried at a certain point in the sequences the process stops and I have to start again from scratch.
I wonder if it would still be okay to do all the ICs included together 6 times or even a greater number of times and have the same result.
Thank you
This complex was originally designed to replace my personal need to keep buying expensive manure, compost, and fertilizers. Most commercial fertilizers focus mainly on N-P-K and nothing on improving soil health as well as plant trace minerals and micro-nutrients. There are single component of organic fertilizers and soil amendments in... See more
This complex was originally designed to replace my personal need to keep buying expensive manure, compost, and fertilizers. Most commercial fertilizers focus mainly on N-P-K and nothing on improving soil health as well as plant trace minerals and micro-nutrients. There are single component of organic fertilizers and soil amendments in the market but they all add up costs making it not feasible for me in the long run. This led me into thinking what if I could rely on old fashion farming method -using natural plants or foods (ie egg shell, coffee grounds, Epsom salt, etc) to support soil health and improve plant vitality? That would be ingenious. Organic worm casting and soil composting methods are great but there is a learning curve, then there is the physical work and maintenance involvement make it all unappealing to garden novice like myself. During my research, I learn that like humans and animals, plants also need a healthy external and internal environment. To start off, the soil needs to be viable. Modern day soil is heavily depleted of vital nutrients (ie copper, iron, iodine, magnesium, etc) due to heavy industrial farming methods, environmental chemical contamination, routine fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides applications -all resulting in our foods not carrying the same nutritional value as say back in the 1930s. Consequently, a light bulb came to my mind. I thought to myself, "What if I were to design an IC complex that would address these vital deficiencies in the soil? Would that in the process be like creating my special infoceutical soil amendment formula?" So that was the direction I started off.
In the making of my dream formula, I had another crazy idea, "Would it not be awesome if I were to add all of my favorite daily supplements so eating my harvested veggies would be like taking my favorite multivitamins? Wow! I could cut down on my oral supplements!"
Hence, I began searching online to ensure the supplements I want to include would not become detrimental to plant health. To my surprise, agricultural scientists have long ago identified several specific vitamins, trace minerals, and amino acids that are essential to plant health. This led me to a rabbit hole to find out which elements will stimulate plant growth and vitality from a molecular and cellular level. Most of these studies are not mainstream although I've heard some stories in the past. Example in Cuba, the use of seaweed as fertilizer. In SouthAsia, the use the leftover soybeans from soy milk extraction as fertilizer. Usually these are traditional farming methods that are passed down from forefathers without specific explanation as to why they work. Thankfully with internet, I was able to find scientific answers for them. This further confirms that I was heading in the right direction with my ideas.
After several tweaking, much experimenting and observation of my own indoor veggies and houseplants, I soon realize that although soil nutrients are crucial, I was missing an important consideration namely -soil microbiome. This aspect is needed so the plant and soil could carry out their own self-detoxification from environmental pollutants. Once these elements were addressed, I notice the soil was able to discourage pest, weeds and pathogen growth and the plant was able to thrive exponentially. For instant, every winter I attempted to overwinter my green peppers and chill peppers by bringing them the house but they sadly never last for more than a month. Why? Because once indoor, they die from aphids and gnat infestation despite good ventilation, humidity and artificial growth light. However, last winter all of them miraculously survived! None of them (6 in total) died because the soil never developed gnats and aphids. To my surprised, they kept flowering and fruiting. I could harvest 1 pepper per plant every month. If these were left outdoor in the summer, they would have yield more peppers. Needless to say, my family was speechless and impressed.
I found multiple ways of using this complex. Applied to outdoor flower beds, expect early bulb formation and upright vibrant colored blooms. In veggies, expect yields even in conditions you least expect as described above. Fresh cut flowers survive more days and wilt at remarkably slower rate. Lucky bamboo plants that live off in water vase never require monthly water change as water never turns mirky or algae. Damaged or diseased plants may get a second life depending on its severity. If very sick to begin with, it will struggling to survive for extra months. In aerobic hydroponic system, water remains clear for months without any signs of algae growth. Soak washed salad greens with it for at least 20min, spin dry, store in fridge and salad greens will stay crisp for up to 3 days. Dilute commercial fertilizer concentration with it in a hose-syphon container, mix well, set it aside for at least 20 min before usage. This will enhance fertilizer effects. While using the hose-syphon application, it emits subtle harmonizing energy affecting both plants and humans. Not sure if it could shield against 5G cellular network but judging by its degree of vitality, there maybe some shielding effect -you tell me. If anyone know of other ways of using it, don't forget to share.
My experimentation with my IC began since November 2022 to Apri 2023. I was going to keep it to myself and my family but this complex never ceases to impress me. So I thought perhaps members of InfoPathy might be interested in giving it a try. It is named, EZ Green Thumb, because it was intentional made for novice gardener like myself to have "easy" success in growing like with a "green thumb". In any event, enjoy and don't forget to share your experiences. Love and light.