ICs & Complexes

Results for Ocular + Respiratory + Skeletal and Muscular + Urinary: Ease2Wellness + QuantoWellness
    57 k
Imprint 5' Adenosine Monophosphate-activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) is an enzyme that plays an essential role in energy balance. In essence, AMPK is able to...
    67 k
Imprint Advanced Multimineral Formula is a balanced blend of minerals that help one stay healthy. It may be used to support mineral repletion as well as sp...
    38 k
PEMF Anti-Aging Support may be used to assist in cellular regeneration, reduce muscular stress, and release dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and brain endo...
    10.1 k
Imprint -
Contains: Alpha-Lipoic Acid Ashwagandha Berberine Plus Bioactive Animal Peptides Chaga Mushroom + Shilajit and 16 more...
    2.9 k
PEMF This PEMF is a Rife frequency for the elimination of Aspergillus Flavus, which is a type of Mold infection. The IC Pad may be applied to the intest...
    2.05 k
PEMF This PEMF is a Rife frequency for the elimination of Aspergillus Fumigatus, which is a type of Mold infection. The IC Pad may be applied to the int...
    2.11 k
PEMF This PEMF is a Rife frequency for the elimination of Aspergillus Glaucus, which is a type of Mold infection. The IC Pad may be applied to the intes...
    3.23 k
PEMF This PEMF is a Rife frequency for the elimination of Aspergillus Niger, which is a type of Mold infection. The IC Pad may be applied to the intest...
    74.2 k
Imprint Astaxanthin is a vibrantly deep red carotenoid naturally found in marine organisms such as micro-algae, salmon, trout, shrimp, crayfish, and crusta...
    5.89 k
PEMF This IC may be used to prepare the body for physical aerobic or yoga-like activities. It may be used to energize muscle fascia, stimulate circulati...
    3.95 k
PEMF This IC may be used after physical aerobic or yoga-like activities. It may be used to calm the muscles and nervous system as well as balance breath...
    59.3 k
Imprint Bioactive peptides are specific protein fragments that have a positive impact on the body’s function or condition which may ultimately influence he...
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