Fascia Pain

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Skeletal and Muscular
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Fascia is web-like fibrous connective tissue that coats your muscles, nerves and organs. This PEMF was created with the help of essential frequencies that aid with fascia pain and dysfunction.

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Kathi, May 28, 2024
I woke up with a headache. Been needing a massage but haven't made it. My neck is super tight and my whole head hurts. I have used many different PEMF's and ibuprofen water. It made my pain bearable but the fascia is the one to release much of the pain. Still some issues by wow. I could feel it!
Related ICs: Fascia Pain
Jonathan Roseland, January 15, 2023
I often use this IC for 10 minutes on each eye to relieve eye strain after a long day working on the computer. I set the IC Hummer at medium volume and apply the PEMF on and around my eyes.
Related ICs: Fascia Pain
Pierre de garam, November 29, 2022
In direct application leads to a real relaxation

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Related ICs: Fascia Pain

Fascia Pain
Nov 05, 2022
go to block therapy.com. fascia carries memory of all our traumas emoional or physical. it doesnt get fed because it moves location and balls up and attaches to bone. thgere is no flow of blood oxygen lymphatic drainage. when u start doing block therapy you start to find and feel the pain and accept feeling it. you learn how to work through it and release it they have their own channel and you can strt with a rolled up towel or a yoga block or a... See more
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Jan 09, 2022
Hi, I have been suffering with pain of trapezius muscle for many years it gets pretty severe, radiates to neck and head makes me nauseous aswell. I also have knots in my muscles. Can u suggest which IC can help Thanks alot.
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Oct 24, 2021
very impressed with this one as well. fascia issues are generally more of an issue than tight or stiff muscles it seems
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May 22, 2021
Wow. Have been suffering from a lot of tightness and tendency to spasm from overwork. Was literally able to feel fascia pulling and unwinding during this session throughout my whole body.
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