Diabetes 2.0 Complex

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Herbs and Botanicals
Vitamins and Minerals
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Included ICs
98.3 k
Metformin is used to help control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It may also be used to manage polycystic ovary syndrome.
36.6 k
Pancreatin is used to treat digestive disorders as a result of the pancreatic problems (e.g. removal of pancreas, weak pancreas). It can also be us...
29.9 k
Liraglutide is used to help control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It can also be used to treat obesity.
48 k
Blood Sugar Balance is used to reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. It may also be used to prevent and treat symptoms of diabetes suc...
31.1 k
Blood Sugar Support is used to help maintain blood glucose levels already within the normal range. Additionally, it may be used to help with insuli...
71.9 k
Liver support is used to treat and detoxify the liver. This IC was created with the help of licorice root and milk thistle.
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Mohamed , July 23, 2022
Wonderful response by a pre-teen in a village in East Africa. The boy is diabetic and was bed ridden. Parents reported lack of appetite, extreme fatigue and weight loss, etc. He was given Diabetic 2.0 & All In One on first day and Metabolism Support & Diabetes Complex 2.0 in day 2 and amazingly the boy's appetite returned, fatigue all but disapppeared and was running around around playing with his friends. The boy's parents wholeheartedly thank the infopathy team and the noble work they are doing.
MP, August 06, 2022
In October of 2021, I was diagnosed with a high blood sugar of 7.2. I went to work to find out what I could do. Through a friend, I found the dietary guidance of Dr John McDougall and also started using this Diabetes 2.0 IC. This past June, I had new blood work done and my blood sugar level is now down to 5.9!! Thank you all again for this wonderful and amazing site!
Related Complexes: Diabetes 2.0 Complex
Sonia Roy Hamon, August 07, 2022
Related Complexes: Diabetes 2.0 Complex
Denise Desforges, November 10, 2022
I use this complex 3x a day and it has so far reduced my sugar levels. I will keep using it until i reach a desired level.
Related Complexes: Diabetes 2.0 Complex
Ruhm, December 05, 2022
sugar more stable

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Related Complexes: Diabetes 2.0 Complex
anonymous, December 01, 2023
Related Complexes: Diabetes 2.0 Complex
anonymous, March 07, 2024
Definitely feel better 
Related Complexes: Diabetes 2.0 Complex
anonymous, July 12, 2024
Good, I think it helps a lot.

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Related Complexes: Diabetes 2.0 Complex

Diabetes 2.0 Complex
Hello, why can't I add it to a personal complex? THANKS
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Sep 04, 2023
Can I imprint this complex on my water and then imprint a different complex on the water (Parasite buster) or is that not ok?

Is there a suggested amount of water to be used? .5L, 1L?
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Jan 28, 2023
Hello Antonio

I have an important question, I would like to know if stainless steel protects: from electromagnetic radiation generated by cell phones, Wi-Fi routers and other devices, and from EMF?

I ask the question because I would like to put my printed water, in a stainless steel flask to carry it with me, or to store it.

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