Ben Greenfield's Pre-Workout Mix

Primary Application
For what
Mitochondrial and Energy Production
Cleanse/Restore the Body
Vitamins and Minerals
Herbs and Botanicals
For whom
A great mix to use before your workout! May also help with energy and body detoxification.
Included ICs
Pure Therapeutic Ketones is designed to enhance ketone availability within your body. It may help suppress appetite, which is key for sustaining lo...
55.1 k
The essential amino acids are called that for a reason: they cannot be produced internally, so they must be obtained through the diet or supplement...
29.1 k
Sodium Bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is a natural antacid. It may be used to help with acid reflux and heart burn, improve urinary tract ...
54.4 k
Energizer for Athletes helps athletes, especially football players, maintain their stamina and performance for an entire workout or sport match. Th...
46.5 k
Creatine plays a fundamental role in the body with respect to energy production. Its primary actions are in muscle and the brain, where it helps to...
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Rusty Mack, December 27, 2021
I have not noticed any significant changes in the way I feel, perform, etc. However, just because I can’t feel it doesn’t mean I am not receiving a benefit from it. I use it blended with Testosterone booster and Covid killer (my recipe). Just wondering how to dose it.
Don Malec, October 26, 2021
I imprint my pre-workout drink. Works great.
Lloyd Blake, November 29, 2021
It’s working Nice study energy to my workouts.
Ted Etheredge, November 10, 2021
More stamina for weight lifting. Easily noticeable.
anonymous, December 19, 2021
Really interesting compound would like to get more Ben Greenfield complexes
Josh, October 09, 2021
I combine this with pre workout powder.
Lloyd Blake, December 31, 2021
It’s crazy how well this works.
Noel Twomey, September 18, 2021
It works really well
Jonathan Roseland, September 06, 2021
Got a solid workout in on this complex - did 13 pull ups which is pretty good for me!
Christopher, February 12, 2022
I've taken this as a Pre-Workout, and generally, the only other thing I drink is coffee. I feel good and complete the CrossFit workouts feeling energized. It's a good part of the stack.
Chad , February 06, 2022
So far I am loving it and feeling the complex's I have selected
ross, September 28, 2021
I found this particular IC to be super powerful, pretty much like I had a triple espresso! I actually had to drink less of it as its power meant I was anxious in the afternoon which would happen to me if I drank an actual coffee, so it works!! Will use but decrease the amount of times I drink the IC. Really impressive!
Randy Usin, September 22, 2022
i take one cup 30 minutes before my workout🏋. i have noticed an improvement in my performance 💪. Thank You
anonymous, July 13, 2024
I began swimming again after a long hiatus, and using this IC I was able to swim for 30 minutes the first day, then 45 minutes the second day.,

Ben Greenfield's Pre-Workout Mix
Sep 04, 2021
Imprinting now - headed to the GYM
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