Immune Blend Sparked Water

Primary Application
For what
Immune and Lymphatic
Vitamins and Minerals
Herbs and Botanicals
For whom
Immune support when you’re feeling down
Included ICs
Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata) is an herb long used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. It is also known as "Indian echinacea". I...
Anti-Inflammatory Complex is a combination of natural plant extracts that work together to help reduce inflammation and pain in the body. It may al...
Liposomal Vitamin D3 + K2 combination provides bone and teeth support, promotes heart health and helps boost immune function. Moreover, it may be u...
28 k
Zinc picolinate is a powerful antioxidant that supports immunity, fights cold, helps with wound healing, benefits hormonal health, benefits blood s...
39.2 k
Mushrooms for Immune is a combination of over 10 medicinal mushrooms known to support health. It may be taken to boost immune function as well as s...
21 k
Electrolyte Plus is a source of electrolytes and cofactors that is perfect for post-workout. It may be used to help replace electrolytes after exer...
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Dr. Akemi Borjas, DOM, August 17, 2021
If my nose is runny or I have a scratchy throat or feel down I drink between 40-50oz a day and it helps clear everything up.
Related Complexes: Immune Blend Sparked Water
anonymous, October 24, 2022
I use this daily to help my immune feel stronger. I feel a difference in my sinuses and feel more run down when I don't drink it regularly.
Related Complexes: Immune Blend Sparked Water

Immune Blend Sparked Water
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