인포슈티컬즈 & 복합체

결과 위한 소화기: 허브 및 식물: Vie Rayonnante
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 H. 파일로리 치료제는 몸에서 H. 파일로리 치료제(헬리코박터 파일로리)를 제거하는데 사용할 수 있는 항균 특성이 있는 허브의 혼합입니다. 또한 속쓰림과 위산 역류를 돕기 위해 위산 생성을 조절하는데 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 IC는 산마늘, 올리브, 감초, 허니부...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Jianyang Dan is a traditional Chinese herbal formula known as a general tonic for the spleen, lung, and kidney systems. It may help support the ton...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Jilungin Bush Tea, also known as Eremophila longifolia, is a herbal tea derived from the leaves of the Jilungin plant, which is native to the Austr...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Jueming Hema Tang is a traditional Chinese herbal formula that may help address persistent metabolic issues. It also may help with chronic liver an...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Matula tea is an herbal tea made from a special combination of herbs known for their therapeutic properties. It may help combat H. Pylori infection...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 NAC + 밀크시슬은 NAC(N-아세틸 시스테인)와 밀크시슬을 결합하여 간 기능, 미토콘드리아 기능 및 해독을 지원하는데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Organic Essiac Tea is a blend of several herbs and is known for its potential health benefits, primarily due to its antioxidant and detoxifying pro...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Rose hip, also known as rose haw, is the seedpod of the rose plant. It is high in antioxidants (mainly vitamin C) as well as has anti-aging propert...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Shengmai Guxin Tang is a traditional Chinese herbal formula that may help support fluid metabolism and microcirculation by strengthening the yang q...
각인 Shenjin Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Tang is a traditional Chinese herbal formula used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It may help address patterns ...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Shuyu Wan is a traditional Chinese herbal formula that may help regulate Liver and Spleen function and promote Qi and blood circulation. It may als...
    Vie Rayonnante
각인 Sunflower lecithin, extracted from sunflower seeds, is abundant in essential phospholipids like phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, and phos...
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