Introducing Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Wellness
Oct 10, 2023
Anton, when using the IC GlowPad as a PEMF does the effect continue in the body after the IC GlowPad has been shut off ?
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Juan Velasquez
May 06, 2021
Is this similar to the Bemer Mat?
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Functioning Cells are Essential for Wellbeing
Before presenting PEMFs, let's first take a quick look at the human body and, in particular, cells, the basic building block of life. The human body is a fascinating and complex structure containing, on average, about 30 to 40 trillion (i.e. 1012) cells! To give some perspective as to how big this number is, we have approximately 140 times more cells in our body than there are stars in the entire Milky Way galaxy! If that number wasn’t impressive, how many atoms do you think there are in one cell? Each cell is estimated to contain 100 trillion atoms (although the number of atoms depends on the type of cell). That means there are more atoms in the human body than the number of stars in the observable universe! With respect to cell types in the body, there are approximately 200 different types of cells having various shapes, sizes, and functions. Some examples of cell types include blood cells, skin cells, fat cells, nerve cells, etc. Although there are various types of cells in the body, they all depend on one another, either directly or indirectly, to ensure that the body functions correctly. When cells do not function properly, one’s health begins to deteriorate and one is more prone to disease and illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly give our cells a “tune-up” to reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. One way this can be done is through the use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs).
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields – Stimulate the Body’s Self-Healing Process
PEMF Clinical Studies
PEMF Therapy and Space