ICs & Complexes

Results for Immune and Lymphatic: Spectronosodes
    17 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Adenoviruses are the main group of viruses which can be isolated from lymphoid tissues of Waldeyer's tonsillar ring and excrement from any apparent...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint -
Contains: Aminodigidroftalazindion of sodium Liver Support Noni Folate + Vitamin B12 Erythropoietin (EPO) and 1 more...
Imprint Anti-Viral/Anti-Bacterial/Anti-Fungal mix may have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, and imm...
    19.1 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Candida Albicans is an opportunistic fungus that is a common member of the human gut flora. It is the cause of Candida Related Complex, and many un...
    6.88 k
PEMF This is a combination of all the PEMFs for cold and immune stimulation.
Contains: Immune Common Cold - Larynx Common Cold Sphenoid Sinuses Bronchitis PEMF Immunity Kick-Start and 1 more...
    10.7 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint This IC may be used to help with flu like symptoms, recurrent fever, intermittent fever, cold shivers, chronic low-grade inflammation, muscle and j...
    5.88 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Diverticulosis is a condition that results in pockets called diverticula that form in the walls of the digestive tract. It is common in people over...
    3.69 k
Imprint This IC Complex contains substances that help target EBV (a virus responsible for 2% of all cancer cases and is a silent killer).
Contains: Beta Glucan Herpes Simplex (Inverted) Herpes Zoster-Nosode Umifenovir Valtrex and 1 more...
    3.92 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Giardia intestinalis, also known as lamblia intestinalis, is a protozoan parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine, causing gia...
    12.3 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint The main indications of Granuloma Dental are dental cyst or abscess, chronic root inflammation, pus formation, (throbbing) toothache, oral lesions,...
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that can lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which the i...
    2.17 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus that infect the liver cells and causes inflammation. The virus is usually spread whe...
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