ICs & Complexes

Results for Mental Health and Nervous + Skeletal and Muscular: Spectronosodes: Kraft&Gesundheit + DREC
    3.7 k
Imprint -
Contains: Valerian Delta sleep-inducing peptide Gabapentin Magnesium threonate Melatonin and 1 more...
    3.02 k
PEMF This PEMF was designed to improve motor functions after injuries and neural problems. Always combine it with physical therapy and exercises. Additi...
    1.72 k
Imprint This IC complex should increase testosterone and improve sleep.
Contains: Ashwagandha Zopiclone Fluoxetine Melatonin Anastrazole and 1 more...
    9.82 k
Imprint For a deep, restful sleep, it is recommended you drink 8-12oz of this IC between dinner and bedtime.
Contains: Delta sleep-inducing peptide Melatonin Phenibut (4-amino-3-phenylbutyric acid HCl) Inositol Immune System Boost
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