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Results for Animals: Cleanse/Restore the Body
    20.7 k
PEMF This IC may be used to aid liver physiological...
    2.23 k
PEMF This is a combination of PEMF ICs to support the pankreas, liver, and kidneys....
Contains: Liver Detox and Cirrhosis Pancreas Rehab Kidney Rehab PEMF
    3.24 k
PEMF large Intestine, liver, and kidneys....
Contains: Liver Detox and Cirrhosis Kidney Rehab PEMF Ulcerative Colitis (Large Intestine)
PEMF pankreas, liver, kidney and the large intestine....
Contains: Liver Detox and Cirrhosis Ulcerative Colitis (Large Intestine) Kidney Rehab PEMF Pancreas Rehab
    21.3 k
PEMF This PEMF is created to clean the fat from toxins and infections.
    3.25 k
PEMF that live in the liver and lungs and cause asthma...
    38.7 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint digestive tract such as liver detoxification...
    2.73 k
Imprint This IC Complex was designed to help fight different parasites.
Contains: Wormwood (Hulda Clark) Oregano Oil Anti-parasites Albendazole Fluvermal Flubendazole and 1 more...
    2.58 k
PEMF This complex combines all PEMFs for the different parts of the brainstem.
Contains: PONS Harmonizer PEMF MID BRAIN PEMF Medulla Oblongata Harmonizer PEMF Cerebellum PEMF
    11 k
PEMF This PEMF contains information for different types of skin problems. In general, it can be used to help heal the skin.
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Dionaea Muscipula, more commonly the Venus flytrap, is a carnivorous plant that naturally contains several immune-supporting compounds such as hydr...
    7.12 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint Essential oil of lemongrass has a wide range of traditional uses, and many of these have been confirmed with more recent research. Lemongrass is u...
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