ICs & Complexes

Results for Audible + Imprint
    4.11 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint 11-Keto-DHT (11-ketodihydrotestosterone) is a derivative of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It has potentially milder androgenic effects com...
    137 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Cell Salts, also known as tissue salts, are minerals used in homeopathic medicine to help support the body’s health and healing process. There are ...
    1.15 k
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Cell Salts, also known as tissue salts, are minerals used in homeopathic medicine to help support the body’s health and healing process. There are ...
    1.08 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Just a single frequency of 1428 Hz
    1.84 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Just a single frequency of 158 Hz
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Just a single frequency of 280 Hz.
    1.7 k
Imprint -
Contains: Breast Defense Calcium D-glucarate EGCg (Green tea extract) Advance Nutrient (Morning only) Omega Fish Oils
    2.89 k
Imprint This IC Complex contains manganese, calcium, and sulfur.
Contains: Calcium (MCHA) Manganese (Citrate) Sulphur
    26 k
Imprint 3-Mushroom Complex is a combination of three immunomodulating mushrooms that keep one feeling well. It may be used to help support and strengthen t...
    2.3 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Audible Single frequency of 429.62 Hz - frequency of water discovered by Prof. Marc Henry.
    26.2 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is produced naturally in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, ...
    66 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint This combination contains several botanicals that inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, which is an enzyme that converts testosterone to the more potent DHT. ...
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