Mercury is a metal which is extremely poisonous. However, in its homeopathic form it may be used to treat severe disorders of the mucus membranes and skin. Main indications include: immune dysfunction, flu-like symptoms, inflammation in general, mucosal affections, pus formation and tissue necrosis, enlarged lymph glands, exhaustion, visual disorders, hearing loss, loosening of teeth, gastrointestinal issues, organ failure, hyperthyroidism, sleeping disorders, weather-dependent joint swelling and pain, (night) sweating, dizziness, Parkinson's disease, Lyme disease, gonorrhea, syphilis, nervous system dysfunction, trust issues, feeling vulnerable and exposed, fear of betrayal and of the loss of power/position, continuous sense of threat, self-centeredness, lack of empathy, dictatorial behaviour, aimlessness, hastiness, confusion, maliciousness, (self-)destructiveness, love for chaos and intrigue.