
Primary Application
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Immune and Lymphatic
Mental Health and Nervous
Skeletal and Muscular
Herbs and Botanicals
For whom

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. 23 possible health benefits:
It can be used to treat Glaucoma. It may help reverse the carcinogenic effects of tobacco and improve lung health. It can help control epileptic seizures. It also decreases the symptoms of a severe seizure disorder known as Dravet's Syndrome. A chemical found in marijuana stops cancer from spreading. It may decrease anxiety. THC slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Eases the pain of multiple sclerosis. Other types of muscle spasms could be helped too. It lessens side effects from treating hepatitis C and increases treatment effectiveness. It may treats inflammatory bowel diseases. It relieves arthritis discomfort. It keeps you skinny and helps your metabolism. It improves the symptoms of Lupus, an autoimmune disorder. While not really a health benefit, it spurs creativity in the brain. It might be able to help with Crohn's disease. It soothes tremors for people with Parkinson's disease. It helps veterans suffering from PTSD. It protects the brain after a stroke. It might protect the brain from concussions and trauma. It can help eliminate nightmares. It reduces some of the awful pain and nausea from chemo, and stimulates appetite. It can help people trying to cut back on drinking.

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Drahomira Novakova, November 09, 2021
A noticeable change in my emotional state. Mega good!

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Related ICs: Cannabis

Apr 22, 2024
After a feeling of relaxation on the knotted area of my trapezius, the start of a blow from a club on the back of the neck which almost led to a migraine. Certainly an unsuitable dosage for a first use but I don't think I'll come back to it straight away ;)
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Jul 07, 2023
Would like to try this IC and want to know if there is a way to try it at โ€œlower doseโ€ sort of speak to avoid a possible โ€œhighโ€ feeling that can produce paranoia or anxiousness in some people.
Thank you
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Jan 31, 2023
So if heat destroys the imprint I assume you canโ€™t do it with hot tea or coffee?
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Sep 20, 2022
I imprinted my brownie
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May 13, 2022
can you imprint vape cartridges? pemf for vape? i'm curious
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Dec 22, 2021
Does anyone else have experience to share with this IC? Is it also taken several times a day? Does it produce any "high" effect, certainly unwanted?
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Nov 09, 2021
this IC is really mega good !! I can perceive a noticeable change. It relaxes and makes you happy. Just wow!
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Oct 01, 2021
As a Truck Driver who has to submit random drug test. Will this show up in your system?
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Sep 25, 2021
I'm watching a silly/funny movie tonight - hope the Cannabis IC makes it better!
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Sep 13, 2021
Do you have any symptoms of poisoning with long-term use?
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Jun 03, 2021
If I imprint and drink more water (Volume), would this create a stronger effect.
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Mar 31, 2021
Hello Anton, what's the utility of multiple transfers and infinite transfer vs transferring once?
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