Ben Greenfield's Stem Cells

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Primary Application
For what
Skeletal and Muscular
Blood and Cardiovascular
Cleanse/Restore the Body
Immune and Lymphatic
Mental Health and Nervous
For whom

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to develop into many different cell types including muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells when the body needs them. Stem cells serve as a repair system for the body. Stem cells exist both in embryos and adult cells. Stem cell-based therapy promotes the repair response of diseased, defective, or injured tissue using stem cells or their derivatives. Doctors have successfully performed stem cell transplants, also known as bone marrow transplants. In this procedure, stem cells replace cells damaged by chemotherapy or disease or serve as a way for the donor's immune system to fight some types of cancer and blood-related diseases, such as leukemia, lymphoma, neuroblastoma, and multiple myeloma. Researchers believe that stem cells show great promise to one day treat various diseases that currently do not have a cure such as Alzheimer's disease. This IC was made with the help of healthy bone marrow stem cells provided by Ben Greenfield. Ben Greenfield is a well-known biohacker, nutritionist, physiologist, fitness coach, and competitive athlete. The stem cells were extracted from his 30 years young, healthy and optimized body and are the same source that he personally uses for anti-aging infusions and joint treatments.

Ben Greenfield's Stem Cells
Oct 15, 2024
Is using stem cells from another party harmful to the blood or our health or is it not better to use our own stem cells thank you
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Mar 21, 2024
Hello Anton, 2 questions…. 1 ) does using an imprint w frequency “bypass” typical oral delivery mechanisms where nutraceutical is broken down in stomach leading to poor or no bioavailability? And 2) given that Ben has unique dna… would his cells still have a benefit to other people?
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Jan 16, 2024
He is 44 how long ago did you get these?
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Jan 16, 2024
Hey, how often should you get these?
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Nov 11, 2023
hi can someone tell me, that this imprint of stemcell is from ben greenfield, because i am confused the source says animal derived,, hopeing to understand, thanks in advance
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Dec 15, 2022
Has anyone actually use this yet? Is there any risk of GvHD? 
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Nov 18, 2022
Can you make VSELs frequencies? This is unrelated to my previous question.
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Nov 17, 2022
Are there any other stem cell treatments here?
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Sep 29, 2021
What are your top 5 infopathy imprint for longevity ?
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Sep 12, 2021
Benessence Cells :D
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Aug 31, 2021
I tried "Essence of Ben"
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Aug 06, 2021
Super Cool! not sure why my glowing pad is not glowing though???
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