Serotonin Booster

Primary Application
For what
Mental Health and Nervous
Vitamins and Minerals
For whom
Included ICs
66.2 k
Duloxetine is used to treat depression, anxiety disorder, nerve pain, chronic musculoskeletal pain (e.g. osteoarthritis), and fibromyalgia. Duloxet...
157 k
Fluoxetine is used to treat major depressive disorder (MDD), bulimia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and premenstrual...
48.3 k
Magnesium Plus contains a blend of various minerals that are essential to health. These minerals are in their chelated forms for increased bioavail...
22 k
Neuro Aminos is a combination of amino acids that support healthy neurotransmitter activity, mental function and brighten mood. It is beneficial fo...
Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate is the active form of Vitamin B6 and is necessary for over 100 vital enzymatic processes within the body. It may be used to ...
45.5 k
Vitamin B Complex is a combination of B vitamins aimed to support cellular, cardiovascular, neurological and psychological health. It may be used t...

Serotonin Booster
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Imprint This IC should increase Lactobacillus Species
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Imprint This complex increases TH1 Immune function.
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