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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are ICs? What is the connection between Homeopathy and ICs?

ICs are electromagnetic signals that are generated using algorithms or recorded from substances that have healing, therapeutic, or other biological effects. Simply put, ICs can be regarded as the evolution of homeopathy for the 21st century. Much like homeopathy, ICs work by stimulating the bodyโ€™s own healing abilities. It is possible to imprint ICs to water and then by consuming this water, deliver the information to the body to promote self-healing.

2. Should I substitute my medication with ICs?

No. If you currently use any medication, do not replace them with ICs. ICs should be used to complement your treatment. If or when you will need to change anything regarding your medication, contact the practitioner who prescribed the medication to you and they will make the necessary adjustments.

3. How much IC water should I drink? Is there a dose-effect relationship?

It does not matter whether you drink 250 mL of IC water or 1 L - one glass of IC water contains the same amount of information as two glasses of water with the same IC. What is important is to drink IC water 2-3 times per day. This is because we need to periodically supply and influence the body with ICs in order to cause an informational effect on the body.

4. How should I store the prepared IC water?

IC water should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, and at least one meter away from electrical devices.

5. Are there any side effects from using ICs?

There have been no reports of negative effects from ICs. If an IC is not right for you, it will not resonate with your body and thus will not affect you. Some people may notice mild body pain during the first few days of using infoceuticals, which is normal and practitioners interpret this as the start of the bodyโ€™s healing process using the newly acquired information. If you have any concerns, please contact your practitioner.

6. Can children use ICs?

Children may use ICs under parental supervision. If your child is taking any medication, do not substitute their medication with infoceuticals - infoceuticals should be used to complement their current treatment.

7. Can I give ICs to my pet?

You may give ICs to your pet. However, if your pet is taking any medication, do not substitute their medication with ICs.

8. How many ICs can I include in my personal complex?

The number of ICs that can be included in a personal IC complex depends on the personโ€™s health and energy state. For some, 10 or more ICs in a complex works well; however, this is not the case for everyone. On average it is recommended to start with up to 6 ICs per personal complex. Depending on how you feel, you can increase (or decrease) the number of ICs in the complex.

9. How often is it recommended to take ICs to see results?

In general, it is recommended to drink IC water 2-3 times per day. This is because we need to periodically supply and influence the body with ICs in order to cause an informational effect on the body. With respect to seeing results, that depends given it is different for everyone โ€“ some may see results within a day, while others need more time. Moreover, it depends on the health condition, whether it is chronic or acute.

10. If ICs have the same vibration as the real substance, why take ICs? Why not just ingest the real thing?

ICs are not substitutes for real substances! It is usually a good idea to keep real substances as part of the diet. However, some people may have problems related to the substance such as difficulty with digestion and absorption, allergic reaction, lack of access, dislike the taste or smell, etc. To ensure people are still able to obtain the benefits associated with the substance, they can try infoceuticals.

Additional questions from users

Frequently Asked Questions
Feb 28, 2020
Hi Anton, How many different ICs and/or complexes can I safely take in one day? do they all complement each other or do some not mix well together?
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Feb 28, 2020
Hi Anton, Can PEMFs be downloaded to an IC pad? Also, it says to keep water away from electrical sources. At work I'm surrounded by computers, etc. Should I keep the water a meter away from all of those?
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Feb 23, 2020
hi again!When I read the explanation of the ic for coronavirus 2019,, I skipped this phrase 'with the help of a highly diluted solution of COVID-19', so now I got it.This homeopathic ic is a kind of a nosode, right?Thanks!
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Feb 23, 2020
Hi Anton, I've been using the Glowing IC Pad and it is really helpful in many ways. I'm really thankful for that. I have a question. Recently one ic forCoronavirus 2019 has been added. You mentioned it was created with the help of a homeopathic remedy. Could you let me know what kind of remediesCoronavirus 2019 was made up of? Actually I have some homeopathic remedies for flu or pneumonia. When I take your IC forCoronavirus 2019,, I wonder if I can... See more
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Feb 12, 2020
Hi Anton, does the bottle with water should have a lid on during the transfer of ICs and be covered during storage for 3 days? Also, could i add 3 ICs for the treatment of blood pressure to the IC complex "Cough" as it only has 3 ICs ? What I'm asking is that quantity -wise it should be OK, but might some of the ICs be incompatible with the others? Thank you, Regina
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Feb 10, 2020
Hi one more time. Itโ€™s Irene again. I use IC complex for high cholesterol created by my health practitioner. Is there a way to find out which ICs she put there together. I wanted to make some addition to that complex, but I need to know first what is already included in it. Thank you.
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Feb 10, 2020
Anton, sorry I forgot to put my name in my comment. My name is Irene.
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Feb 10, 2020
Hi Anton, how are you? Have a question about PEMF. What it stands for? Also I understand one need a pad to apply IC to a target area . Is the word โ€œpadโ€ stands for the platform itself or itโ€™s something different to get in addition to the glowing platform I have. Also, are all Rife frequency ICs will be PEMF? And can it be that transfer can take as long as 20 min? Thanks
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Jan 31, 2020
where can I find my recommended complexes?
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Jan 06, 2020
Hi there. I am having issues with my ic pad staying activated. It seems to be an issue with the cord/plug in. The program will run ( I am mostly using the PEMF on my body) and just randomly the disk will not be emitting anything......I can usually remedy by turning the plug in around a bit until it finds a spot it likes but that is no longer working. This has been the same when plugged into my computer and phone. The cord is fine, no tears or... See more
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Jan 03, 2020
Hallo, ich habe diese Methode durch Kraft und Gesundheit, Deutschland, kennengelernt und mir ein glowing IC Pad zugelegt. Ich erhoffe mir, die Kosten fรผr meine vielen Nahrungsergรคnzungsmittel dadurch reduzierenzu koennen. Ich habe eine Autoimmunkrankheit: Hashimoto. Meine Frage ist allerdings, ob die Infoceuticals diese ersetzen koennen? Muss nicht die Substanz in den Kรถrper biochemisch eingebaut werden? Oder reicht die Information, damit der... See more
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Jan 01, 2020
Hi Do you have experience with a magnetic stiier for the IC? Is it possible to use with the drops (method 2) or could it affect the IC in the water? Thank you. Best regards. Gabriel
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Tips on using the site

Create your own IC Complex

Sign In and then click the Created button found on the ICs & Complexes page. Then click " New Complex" button. Fill in the form and click "Submit" when finished. Your personal IC Complex is now ready to use.

Copy an IC Complex

To create a copy of an existing IC Complex, Sign In and then click the " Copy & modify" button located at the bottom of the IC Complex card. Next, click the "Submit" button at the end of the form. However, if you wish to personalize the IC Complex, edit the form accordingly (i.e. modify the list of included ICs) and then press "Submit". The IC Complex you copied/modified will only be visible to you.

Quickly add an IC to a personal IC Complex

To quickly add an IC to your personal IC Complex, Sign In and then click on the " Add to Complex" button located at the bottom of the IC card. A list of your personal IC Complex will pop-up. Select which IC Complex you would like to add the IC to.

On the IC Complex page, what is the difference between the modes "Transfer all at once" and "One-by-one"? What mode should I choose?

When you select the mode "Transfer all at once", all the ICs in the IC Complex will be transferred at the same time. It is recommended to use this mode if you are imprinting ICs to water or other products.

When you select the mode "One-by-one", the ICs in an IC Complex will be transferred (played) one after another, like songs in a playlist. It is recommended to use this mode if the IC Complex consists of PEMF or Audible ICs. If the IC Complex is created by someone else and you would like to change the transfer order of the ICs, you will need to create a copy of the IC Complex by clicking the " Copy & modify" button. Then edit the IC Complex, if you wish. Once completed, click "Submit". You will now be able to reorder the ICs under the "One-by-one" mode.
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