Toothache and Tooth Decay (Rife)

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Rife frequencies to help with toothache and tooth decay.

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Jonathan Roseland, August 29, 2023
I would like to say a big thank you to Anton Fedorenko and Infopathy for creating the IC Hummer! Here's a very recent testimonial of how it saved me from excruciating pain…
A couple weeks ago I developed root inflammation in one of my back teeth that hurt obscenely much and wouldn't let me fall asleep. I had to soothe the pain with ice cold water every three seconds because otherwise it was unbearable. It's also of importance to admit that my pain tolerance is not very high. So I was whimpering in agony for over 24 hours straight and I didn't know how to stop the pain for more than 20 minutes with over-the-counter painkiller that could only be used once every 8 hours. I was even considering asking my dentist to pull my tooth out as soon as I saw him. The antibiotics prescribed didn't start working immediately and I was suffering so much that I couldn't think or do anything else. I'm sure it happened to you at least once in your life and you remember how it was. 
The first morning when the pain started my husband Jonathan Roseland suggested that I used the IC Hummer with a frequency called fascia pain which unfortunately not only did not work but it made matters worse. The next evening though before bed he suggested again that I tried the IC pad with a different frequency specifically for toothache and decay
Actually, I was a little bit skeptical because the previous frequency had not worked but decided to try anyway. To my surprise the relief was almost instant and I remembered what it was to not feel pain. Then my husband said it could work with the IC Hummer and it really did! I slept with the device on my cheek and I was so tired that I even slept in considering I got no sleep the night before. During the next day the IC Hummer was on my face almost the whole time. I slept with it again and basically didn't part with it until the antibiotics eventually began kicking in (it took 2 days!) 
Thanks to the IC Hummer I was able to wait on that without looking for another dentist to pull my tooth out. So at my appointment 5 days later I almost felt no pain. 
If it wasn't for the IC Hummer I don't know what I would have done… so once again huge thanks to Anton and the Infopathy team. You guys rock, keep up the good work at saving poor people like me from their pain! 

anonymous, July 04, 2022
Excellent for tooth pain!

Toothache and Tooth Decay (Rife)
Jul 29, 2024
The IC Pad lights up for approximately 30 minutes then turns off. the meter runs but no more light.
It still lasts almost 2 hours
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Jan 28, 2024
I have a hummer, can I wear it on my wrist or ankle or does it have be directly on cheek?
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Oct 03, 2023
My tooth was very sensitive after filling. I tried it and saw an improvement on the first day. After 4 days, my tooth was only very sensitive and I could eat well with it.
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Jan 08, 2023
Can you move the Glowing ic pad around the outside of your mouths or should it stay in one spot the whole time? Thank you

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Sep 11, 2022
Is there a way to fast forward, or to choose at what time to start? If I open another app in my phone, this one starts all over from the beginning when I get back to it. I'd also like to have shorter time for some of the included frequencies, since my body very rapidly "gets it". So It would be awesome to be able to fast forward to the next frequency in the series!
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May 26, 2022
This helped more than anything ever!
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