Nogier Frequencies

Applicazione Principale
Per cosa
Salute mentale e Sistema Nervoso
Sangue e Cardiovascolare
Scheletrico e Muscolare
Per chi
This IC Complex contains Nogier Frequencies. Nogier frequencies are designed to target specific parts of the body or specific conditions. It is recommended to focus on one frequency at a time and use the one-by-one transfer method. Adjust the volume to a moderate/low level that is comfortable.
ICs inclusi
This Nogier frequency is designed to help stimulate the subcortex and may help manage endocrine disorders, menstrual irregularities, and menopausal...
This Nogier frequency may help stimulate the cortex, alleviate psychosomatic disorders, reduce inflammation, edema, scar tissue, and fight infectio...
This Nogier frequency may help enhance cellular vitality as well as manage inflammatory and degenerative conditions. Adjust the volume to a moderat...
This Nogier frequency may help support multicellular activities, digestive system complications, and immune-related conditions. Adjust the volume t...
This Nogier frequency may help trigger muscle contractions and help manage spasms, stomach dysfunction, and tremor conditions. Adjust the volume to...
This Nogier frequency may help enhance bodily symmetry and may help manage locomotive dysfunctions, stress relief, and improve coordination and bal...

Nogier Frequencies
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Complessi IC simili
Udibile This IC Complex may help with anxiety.
Contiene: G (146 Hz) Nogier D (2326 Hz) Nogier C (1168 Hz) Nogier
Udibile Le frequenze del solfeggio sono toni specifici che sono stati utilizzati per centinaia di anni per aiutare a stimolare la guarigione e promuovere l...
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CEMP Frequenze Rife per la disintossicazione da metalli pesanti.
Contiene: Heavy Metal Detox 1 (Rife) Heavy Metal Detox 2 (Rife) Heavy Metal Detox 3 (Rife)
Udibile This IC Complex may help with pain management.
Contiene: G (146 Hz) Nogier F (73 Hz) Nogier E (4672 Hz) Nogier
Udibile This IC Complex may support skin and tissue health.
Contiene: F (73 Hz) Nogier B (584 Hz) Nogier A (292 Hz) Nogier
Imprint This IC Complex may help reduce blood pressure.
Contiene: Potassio Coenzima Q10 Orotato di Magnesio Omega-3 . essenziale
Imprint This IC Complex may help balance the Vata dosha, which in Ayurveda represents air and space, controlling movement and communication in the body and...
Contiene: Liquirizia Radice di zenzero Bacopa Monnieri Triphala Ashwagandha
Imprint Questo Complesso IC è stato progettato per aiutare con lo xantelasma, una condizione caratterizzata dallo sviluppo di chiazze giallastre, tipicamen...
Contiene: Supporto della cistifellea Pre + Probiotico Cirrosi Biliare Atorvastatina Miscela di peptidi BPC-157 e TB-500 e 2 altro...
CEMP Questo CEMP ha lo scopo di alleviare l'asse ASM.
Contiene: Miglioramento dell'Amigdala Trauma Amplificatore del Nervo Vago Simpatico CEMP Midollo surrenale CEMP
Imprint Vasovagal Syncope Mix is an IC Complex that may help reduce the risk for Vasovagal Syncope and the frequency of episodes.
Contiene: bromazepam Duloxetina Fluoxetina Nebivololo