How to Apply PEMF ICs: Direct Transfer to the Body

The Primary application method for PEMF ICs is to directly apply them to the body (Method 3). Using Method 1 or Method 2, you can also imprint PEMF ICs into water or other products. For Method 3, you will need an IC Pad or IC Hummer, and a computer/smartphone.

Method 3 Steps:

1. Sign In and choose the PEMF IC.

2. Connect the IC Pad or IC Hummer to your computer or smartphone.

3. Set the volume level of the computer/smartphone to the maximum if using IC Pad or up to 80% if using IC Hummer.

4. Place IC Pad or IC Hummer on the target area of the body, on top of clothes. If no specific location is mentioned in the PEMF IC description, place the device on the sternum.

5. Start transfer.

6. When the IC transfer is complete, remove the device from the body and repeat the procedure when needed.


What does PEMF stand for? How do we use PEMFs?

PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field. These ICs are generated using an algorithm (rather than with the help of a substance). The Primary method of application for PEMF ICs is applying it to the body using an IC Pad or IC Hummer (Method 3). However, PEMF ICs may also be imprinted into water, juices, creams, oils, etc. (Methods 1 and 2).

How long does it take to transfer PEMF ICs?

The transfer time varies, depending on the PEMF IC. It is important to note that if using the Circuit IC Pad to transfer PEMF ICs, you will need to “Repeat” the transfer a few times so that the total IC transfer time reaches a minimum of 12 minutes. For example, if the selected PEMF IC has a transfer time of 2 minutes, you will need to select the “Repeat” icon 6 times and then start transfer.

Can I use Method 3 to apply Imprint ICs to a target area?

Yes, you can apply Imprint ICs directly to the body using Method 3. However, for Imprint ICs, it is better (more efficient) to use Method 1 or Method 2, which uses water to deliver the ICs to the body.

When transferring PEMF ICs, do I have to place the transfer device directly on the skin?

No, when transferring PEMF ICs you do not need to place the transfer device directly on the skin – you can just put the IC Pad or IC Hummer on top of your clothes.

Can I use the Circuit IC Pad to transfer PEMF ICs directly to my body?

Although it is recommended to use the Glowing IC Pad or IC Hummer to transfer PEMF ICs to the body, the Circuit IC Pad can be used. However, when using the Circuit IC Pad, you will need to transfer the IC a few times in a row so that the total IC transfer time reaches a minimum of 12 minutes. For example, if the PEMF IC is 2 minutes long, you will need to transfer it 6 times in a row (i.e. total transfer time 12 minutes).

Where can I place the IC Pad or IC Hummer to transfer PEMF ICs for general pain or if no specific location is stated in the description?

You can place the IC Pad or IC Hummer on the sternum, which is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest. The IC Pad or IC Hummer should be placed on top of your clothes.

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