What are Infoceuticals (ICs)?

Anton SF
This video shows water from the point of view of Quantum Electrodynamic Theory. Here you will learn how water can mimic the electromagnetic spectrum of diluted substances and how one can record and store these electromagnetic signals - thus, creating infoceuticals (ICs).

What are Infoceuticals (ICs)?
Sep 04, 2020
Are substances, such as CBD, that are being transmitted at a particular dosage amount. Can you explain how that works?
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Feb 26, 2020
Can I use ic Pad for water with MSM?
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Feb 02, 2020
Do I have to contact the skin directly when using the pemf function?
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Jan 31, 2020
Can I use sugar instead of water for ic Pad?
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Jan 13, 2020
How does one know the water is safe and not tainted?
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Nov 23, 2019
Hey Anton, I'm curious if you would consider this to be a holistic/natural way of "bio hacking" or engineering ones genetics over time with this technology. Considering that "unnatural selection" documentary on netflix this seems like a toned down version. Say for example if you were to take the IC memory enhancer that has extracts found in many neuro supplements and take it for an extended time(months/years). This IC technology also seems to shine... See more
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Nov 07, 2019
Hi Iโ€™m helping my son with his science fair project. How does one measure the signals (electromagnetic spectrum) that are in the treated water Vs. regular tap or filtered water?
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Jul 03, 2018
... known as coherent domains... It's more simpl than this. See http://eng.ikar.udm.ru/mis-rt.htm: Resonanse in physic, chemistry and biology - http://eng.ikar.udm.ru/files/pdf/sb22e.pdf and On the principle of least action, the crisis in modern physics, the physical basis of quantum mechanics and the structure of water - http://eng.ikar.udm.ru/files/pdf/sb51-1.pdf It's SI (Super-coherent Radiation) and RM (Resonant Microclusters - Quadrupoles). Regards VS.
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Apr 09, 2018
Thanks. That is very helpful.
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Apr 07, 2018
Lorazepam is addictive if taken as an ordinary oral meds. Is it still addictive as an infoceutical?
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