Electronic Homeopathy VS. Placebo – Is There a Difference?

Anton SF
Electronic homeopathy, which some may also refer to as ICs, is water (or other carriers) imprinted with electromagnetic information of biologically active substances and its use as an alternative treatment method has shown great promise. Nevertheless, as with conventional homeopathy, there is still controversy surrounding the therapy. In this post, we review a publication titled “Absorption Spectra of Electronic-Homeopathic Copies of Homeopathic Nosodes and Placebo Have Essential Differences” by V. I. Korenbaum et. al. that aims to provide objective scientific data, through the use of absorption spectroscopy, to illustrate whether there is a difference between samples prepared via electronic homeopathy and placebos.

What did the authors do?

The authors performed a double-blind randomized experiment wherein they looked at 7 homeopathic nosodes (i.e. homeopathic remedies prepared from a pathological specimen) which were:

  1. DNA-tox – an indicator of DNA affection caused by an organism being exposed to toxic agents;
  2. Bacteria – a superposition of 27 pathogenic bacteria;
  3. Manus – a harmonizing nosode;
  4. Fungus – a superposition of 17 pathogenic fungi;
  5. Toxic Metal – a superposition of 27 salts of heavy metals and toxic metals;
  6. Virus – a superposition of 25 pathogenic viruses; and
  7. Vanilmandelic acid (VMA) – a product of noradrenaline and epinephrine metabolism.
For each nosode, 9 electronic homeopathy (or IC) samples were prepared using a sterile saline solution for a total of 63 samples (Fig. 1). Additionally, 27 placebo samples were prepared. The absorption spectra of the samples were determined using a double-beam spectrometer in the wave band 800-600 nm at an interval of 0.5 nm and the values of optical density were recorded.

Fig. 1. Overview of the experimental procedure.

What did the data reveal?

The authors discovered that there was indeed an effect seen for most of the IC samples. In fact, manus IC, DNA-tox IC, and toxic metal IC all showed statistically significant spectral differences in the band of 800-700 nm in at least 4 regions of the spectrum compared to the placebo. With respect to the other IC samples, bacteria IC and Vanilmandelic acid IC differed significantly in only one of the spectral regions compared to the placebo and for fungus IC and virus IC, there was no difference observed. Additionally, there was no significant difference seen between the spectra for the 27 placebo samples.

Fig. 2. The number of spectral differences observed for various IC samples compared to placebo.

What’s next?

Although further work is needed to understand why some IC samples showed a significant difference compared to the placebo and others did not, the data presented by Korenbaum et. al. still provides scientific evidence illustrating that there is indeed a difference between electronic homeopathic remedies and placebos, therefore supporting the use of electronic homeopathic remedies, and thus ICs, as a form of alternative/complementary therapy.

To read the entire publication, please click here

Electronic Homeopathy VS. Placebo – Is There a Difference?
Jan 15, 2020
so, it doesn't work very well..
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