ICs & Complexes

Results for Premium: Digestive + Mitochondrial and Energy Production: Allopathy + Probiotics
    Dr. Akemi Borjas, DOM
Imprint -
Contains: Probiotic Support for GI & Immune Health Grapefruit Seed Extract Candida Albicans
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint HU58 Bacillus Subtilis is a spore-forming probiotic bacterium recognized for its resilience and ability to withstand harsh digestive conditions. It...
    1.94 k
Imprint This mix should support general health. My kids drink it every morning.
Contains: Digestive Complex Probiotics Mind Support Formula Piracetam Umifenovir BPC-157 and TB-500 Peptide Blend and 1 more...
    22.4 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Healthy Gut (Prebiotic + Probiotic) is a blend of probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes that may be used to help promote digestive health, support gu...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint -
Contains: Ciprofloxacin Aminodigidroftalazindion of sodium Omeprazole Azithromycin
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Hemorrhoids Ointment is a topical medication that may help reduce the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids, including pain, itching, and irritati...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint -
Contains: Polyenylphosphatidyl-choline Aminodigidroftalazindion of sodium S-Adenosyl methionine Liver Support Noni and 1 more...
    10.4 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone naturally found in both males and females. It plays an important role in regulating metabolism as w...
Imprint Humic and fulvic acids are types of "humic substances", the major components of organic matter found throughout nature as a result of the action of...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Hyoscine butylbromide is an antispasmodic medication that may help relieve abdominal pain and cramps by assisting the digestive system to relax.
    Immersion Health
Imprint Hyoscyamine is a tropane alkaloid that is a potent anticholinergic drug. It is used to manage a wide range of gastrointestinal, bladder, and other ...
Imprint -
Contains: Drotaverine Omeprazole
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