ICs & Complexes

Results for Urinary
    2.29 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Cistanche, also known as Rou Cong Rong and nicknamed “ginseng of the desert”, is a plant that has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine fo...
    16.3 k
Imprint Native to Indonesia, cloves are mainly known for their antibacterial properties (bacteria, microbes, viruses). It is also an effective antiseptic a...
Imprint Coccus Cacti is a homeopathic remedy mainly used for coughs, including whooping cough and spasmodic cough. It may also be used to help with urinary...
    29.6 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Coconut water is the juice found in young, green coconuts. It is a great source of hydration and is rich in several nutrients such as vitamin C, ma...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Colocynthis 5CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help relieve various types of pain. In gastroenterology, it may help ease abdominal pain from hepa...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Colocynthis 9CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help relieve various types of pain. In gastroenterology, it may help ease abdominal pain from hepa...
Imprint This is a very comprehensive set of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and glandular extracts. Proper adrenal function requires v...
    1.16 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Conium maculatum, also known as hemlock, is a homeopathic remedy that may be used to help with vertigo, facial paralysis, slowness and rigidity (me...
    12.3 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Cranberry is a small, sour, red berry that is known to be rich in antioxidants. Cranberry is used to prevent and treat urinary tract infections as ...
    1.77 k
    Vie Rayonnante
PEMF Rife frequencies may help with benign cysts.
    1.78 k
Audible This Audible IC is to help with cystitis, which is the inflammation of the bladder.
    4.1 k
PEMF This PEMF was designed to help support a healthy bladder. Always combine it with the matching Imprint ICs.
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