ICs & Complexes

Results for Mitochondrial and Energy Production: Kraft&Gesundheit
    26.5 k
Imprint 3-Mushroom Complex is a combination of three immunomodulating mushrooms that keep one feeling well. It may be used to help support and strengthen t...
    18.6 k
Imprint Acerola, also known as acerola cherry, is a fruit rich in vitamin C. It also contains vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Acerola may be u...
    41.2 k
PEMF This PEMF is designed to support adrenal function. It contains information to activate the adrenal cortex. It can be used in cases of low energy an...
    57.7 k
Imprint Alkaline Buffered Creatine is beneficial for athletes as it supports energy, endurance, stamina, muscle comfort, and body composition. It may be us...
    76.9 k
Imprint All in One Nutrients contains multiple vitamins to help the body on a daily basis and maintain general well-being. It may be used to protect the bo...
    79.1 k
Imprint Amino acids are essential to life as they are needed to build proteins, help with the production of hormones and blood cells, support the maintenan...
    25.3 k
Imprint Arginine + Ornithine combines two complementary amino acids and supports protein synthesis, nitric oxide production, muscle formation, and ammonia ...
    4.38 k
PEMF This PEMF was designed to combat Ascaris worms that live in the liver and lungs and cause asthma, allergies, and many other health problems.
Imprint Slow COMT is one of the most common gene defects. It leads to an accumulation of estrogen and stress hormones. This IC is meant to support the slow...
Contains: Trimethylglycine Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate (Active Form of Vitamin B6) Hydroxocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Methylation Support S-Adenosyl methionine
    23.5 k
Imprint Chromium is an essential trace mineral and when bound to picolinic acid, the bioavailability of chromium is increased. Chromium Picolinate may be u...
    30.7 k
Imprint CoQ10 + L-Carnitine Fumarate combines coenzyme Q10 with L-carnitine fumarate for advanced cardiovascular energy support. It may be used to assist c...
    14.9 k
PEMF This PEMF IC contains coherent frequencies that are aligned with those identified as potentially beneficial in cancer prevention.
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