Methylene blue is a dye that was first developed to stain and inactivate certain microbes. It was also one of the first chemotherapeutic medications tested in humans, where it was used to treat malaria, in 1891. It was replaced by alternative methods but is still used in staining preparations in histopathology today.
Methylene blue has an oxidized phenothiazine ring system, as opposed to many other phenothiazine drugs which have reduced ring systems. This difference has profound effects on action and activity, as it increases the chemical structureโs angle and gives the ring system a positive charge. This allows methylene blue to interact differently with membranes and intracellular structures. For example, staining with methylene blue can be used to show membrane damage.
It helps with Anti-Aging, Malaria, Cancer, Depression, Parkinson, Alzheimers, Dementia, Sepsis, etc!
Combine it with NADH+ and Ubiquinol or just use my new mitochondrial boost IC.
Fantastic info once again. ย Would I have to make a complex with MB, NADH+, Ubiguinol and/or mitrocondrial Booster?