Jade Screen & Xanthium Formula

Primary Application
For what
Cleanse/Restore the Body
Immune and Lymphatic
Herbs and Botanicals
For whom

Jade Screen & Xanthium Formula (Yu Ping Feng Jia Cang Er San) is a blend of herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to supplement qi, stop sweating, stabilize the exterior, expel wind and dampness, reduce swelling, as well as open and clear the nasal passage. It may also be used to help with allergies, red/dry/itchy eyes, facial swelling, headache, sinus congestion, sinus discharge, sinus inflammation, sinus pain, skin rashes from allergies, and sore throat. This IC was made with the help of Astragali radix (Astragalus / Huang qi), Atractylodis macrocephalae rhizoma (white atractylodes rhizome / bai zhu), Saposhnikoviae radix (Siler / Fang feng), Paeoniae radix, rubra (red Chinese peony / Chi shao), Forsythiae fructus (Forsythia / Lian qiao), Xanthii fructus (Xanthium fruit, Siberian cockleburr / Cang er zi), Magnoliae flos (Magnolia flower / Xin yi hua), and Angelicae dahuricae radix (purple angelica / bai zhi).

Jade Screen & Xanthium Formula
Feb 27, 2023
Hi Dr. Akemi. What would you suggest to pair this IC with for persistent skin rashes, most likely exacerbated by environmental irritants and medications during and after spinal surgery?ย 
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