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Sabrina Kroeber wrote a comment to Frequently Asked Questions
over 4 years ago
Hallo, ich habe diese Methode durch Kraft und Gesundheit, Deutschland, kennengelernt und mir ein glowing IC Pad zugelegt. Ich erhoffe mir, die Kosten fรผr meine vielen Nahrungsergรคnzungsmittel dadurch reduzierenzu koennen. Ich habe eine Autoimmunkrankheit: Hashimoto. Meine Frage ist allerdings, ob die Infoceuticals diese ersetzen koennen? Muss nicht die Substanz in den Kรถrper biochemisch eingebaut werden? Oder reicht die Information, damit der... See more
Jan 07, 2020
Hi Sabrina, thank you for your questions! We do not recommend substitute any current products or treatment methods, but start using infoceuticals as additional method. If later you will need to reduce the dose of some products (e.g. supplements) you can do so. You can also talk about this with Kraft und Gesundheit. Thank you!
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Ali Hedden wrote a comment to Frequently Asked Questions
over 4 years ago
Hi there. I am having issues with my ic pad staying activated. It seems to be an issue with the cord/plug in. The program will run ( I am mostly using the PEMF on my body) and just randomly the disk will not be emitting anything......I can usually remedy by turning the plug in around a bit until it finds a spot it likes but that is no longer working. This has been the same when plugged into my computer and phone. The cord is fine, no tears or... See more
Jan 07, 2020
Hi Ali, thank you for your message and sorry for the inconveniences! We had a few cases like your. Seems the problem is in the cable actually, the connector part. We will send you another cable to try it. I will contact you via email for the details.
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Gabriel Stadler wrote a comment to Frequently Asked Questions
over 4 years ago
Hi Do you have experience with a magnetic stiier for the IC? Is it possible to use with the drops (method 2) or could it affect the IC in the water? Thank you. Best regards. Gabriel
Jan 02, 2020
Hi Gabriel, thank you very much for your question! We don't have experience with a magnetic stirrer. But you can use lab vortex/shaker to "excite" water before transferring ICs. Or if you plan to use magnetic stirrer just to dissolve salt, then I think it should be okay.
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