ICs 及 複合物

結果 為了 Vie Rayonnante
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Imprint Rutin, a bioflavonoid found in many plants, fruits, and vegetables, is recognized for its significant health benefits due to its potent antioxidant...
    22.5 千
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Imprint 這種物質是氨基酸蛋氨酸的一種形式,用於治療肝臟疾病(例如慢性肝炎、肝硬化)、抑鬱症、纖維肌痛和骨關節炎。
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Imprint Salbutamol Sulfate, commonly known as Salbutamol, is a medication primarily used in the treatment of respiratory conditions such as asthma and chro...
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Imprint Sea cucumber, a marine animal found on ocean floors, is recognized for its impressive range of health benefits. Rich in nutrients like protein, vit...
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Imprint Selenite is a crystalline form of gypsum, typically found in transparent, colorless, or white formations. It is believed to help cleanse negative e...
    6.1 千
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Imprint Semax 是一種合成肽藥物,以其促智、神經保護和神經原/神經恢復特性而聞名。它是根據促腎上腺皮質激素(ACTH)的分子結構開發的。 Semax 可用於增加註意力和短期記憶、預防大腦和神經損傷、增強認知功能、緩解注意力缺陷多動障礙 (ADHD) 的體徵和症狀、改善血液循環、對抗抑鬱和減少焦慮。...
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Imprint Septarian is a unique geological formation consisting of sedimentary rock concretions filled with minerals like calcite, aragonite, or barite. Foun...
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Imprint Serenity Calm is a homeopathic remedy that may help decrease anxiety, stress, irritability, and restlessness. It may help calm the mind. This IC wa...
Imprint Shenjin Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Tang is a traditional Chinese herbal formula used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It may help address patterns ...
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Imprint Shenxian Dushi Dan is a traditional Chinese herbal formula that may help boost energy, nourish blood, and strengthen the body, especially for those...
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Imprint Shuyu Wan is a traditional Chinese herbal formula that may help regulate Liver and Spleen function and promote Qi and blood circulation. It may als...
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可聽的 This IC Complex may support skin and tissue health.
包含: F (73 Hz) Nogier B (584 Hz) Nogier A (292 Hz) Nogier