Varicose Veins Poconeol Complex

주요 적용
사용 목적
혈액 및 심혈관
동종 치료제
This IC Complex may help improve varicose veins.
포함된 ICs
Poconeol N5 is a homeopathic remedy made from the following combination of homeopathic components: myristica bicuiba 5CH, mespilodaphne pretiosa 5C...
Poconeol N51 is a homeopathic remedy made from the following combination of homeopathic components: boehmeria caudata 5CH, perianthopodus tomba 5CH...
Poconeol N71 is a homeopathic remedy made from the following combination of homeopathic components: meibomia triflora 5CH, scandix cerofolium 5CH, ...

Varicose Veins Poconeol Complex
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비슷한 IC 복합체
각인 This IC Complex may help improve migraines and headaches.
성분: Poconeol N15 Poconeol N7 Poconeol N5
각인 This IC Complex may help with constipation.
성분: Poconeol N67 Poconeol N27 Poconeol N7
각인 This IC Complex may help with fractures.
성분: Poconeol N13 Poconeol N10 Poconeol N6
각인 이 IC 복합체는 뇌의 가소성을 향상시키는데 사용될 수 있습니다.
성분: 두뇌 부스트 NADH + 알파 GPC 선 뇌하수체 및시상하부 신경 지원 및 1 그 외...
각인 This IC Complex may help with epilepsy.
성분: Poconeol N65 Poconeol N32 Poconeol N1
각인 This IC Complex may help with myocarditis.
성분: Poconeol N59 Poconeol N21 Poconeol N71
각인 This IC Complex may help fight against cystitis.
성분: Poconeol N56 Poconeol N19 Poconeol N1
각인 This IC Complex may help combat bad cholesterol (LDL).
성분: Poconeol N27 Poconeol N7
각인 This IC Complex may help manage psoriasis.
성분: Poconeol N5 Poconeol N3 Poconeol N1
각인 This IC Complex may help with leg cramps and muscle tension.
성분: 마그네슘 오로테이트 아연 (구연산염) 비타민 D3 비타민 B1 메틸코발라민(비타민 B12)