Arthritis Poconeol Complex

주요 적용
사용 목적
면역 및 림프
골격 및 근육
동종 치료제
This IC Complex may help with rheumatological conditions, especially arthritis.
포함된 ICs
Poconeol N1 is a homeopathic remedy made from the following combination of homeopathic components: costus spicatus 5CH, croton campestris 5CH, anch...
Poconeol N8 is a homeopathic remedy made from the following combination of homeopathic components: psidium pomiferum 5CH, smilax officinalis 5CH, c...
Poconeol N66 is a homeopathic remedy made from the following combination of homeopathic components: acanthus volubilis 5CH, laurus nobilis 5CH, and...

Arthritis Poconeol Complex
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비슷한 IC 복합체
각인 This IC Complex may help with myocarditis.
성분: Poconeol N59 Poconeol N21 Poconeol N71
각인 This IC Complex may help with constipation.
성분: Poconeol N67 Poconeol N27 Poconeol N7
각인 This IC Complex may help with fractures.
성분: Poconeol N13 Poconeol N10 Poconeol N6
각인 This IC Complex may help fight against cystitis.
성분: Poconeol N56 Poconeol N19 Poconeol N1
각인 This IC Complex may help with epilepsy.
성분: Poconeol N65 Poconeol N32 Poconeol N1
각인 This IC Complex may help manage gout symptoms.
성분: Poconeol N8 Poconeol N1 Poconeol N57
각인 This IC Complex may help combat bad cholesterol (LDL).
성분: Poconeol N27 Poconeol N7
각인 This IC Complex may help manage psoriasis.
성분: Poconeol N5 Poconeol N3 Poconeol N1
각인 This IC Complex may help improve varicose veins.
성분: Poconeol N71 Poconeol N51 Poconeol N5
각인 This IC Complex may help boost liver efficiency.
성분: Poconeol N7 Poconeol N1