Dr. Royal Raymond Rife & Rife Frequencies
Tanya Bishop
Mar 28, 2023
I have read and researched so much about all of these men and their accomplishments. I truly agree that the AMA and Big Pharma had all to do with the deaths for money and power. But, God has all of this! You see how all of their work has surfaced. He has and will have the last word.
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Anne Lelong Trolliet
Jul 27, 2022
Thanks for exchange...Anne
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Frank Ruhl Peterson
May 16, 2022
As I, myself, am an M.D. trained in allopathic medicine, it is quite plainly obvious to me, that both the Pharmaceutical Industry, as well as the AMA, were complicit in not only destroying the work of this brilliant individual, but were (in my opinion) also involved in the murders of Wilhelm Reich, as well as that of Dr. Sebi...and most probably many, many others who supported theories and techniques which did not align directly with the... See more
As I, myself, am an M.D. trained in allopathic medicine, it is quite plainly obvious to me, that both the Pharmaceutical Industry, as well as the AMA, were complicit in not only destroying the work of this brilliant individual, but were (in my opinion) also involved in the murders of Wilhelm Reich, as well as that of Dr. Sebi...and most probably many, many others who supported theories and techniques which did not align directly with the consumption of the side-effect laden pharmaceuticals used in treating various diseases and/or maladies. Why? For no other reason than greed. I can attest to this because I too, went into medicine primarily for many of the "wrong" reasons: the so-called prestige of having the title of Dr. precede my name, and perhaps even more to satisfy my unenviable character trait of personal greed...shamefully, any of the altruistic reasons which should have been the primary motivators (such as helping others, reducing suffering, or even helping to make the world a better place) for entering this field, resided much, much further down my list. (if they were even there at all) No, I had become a physician overwhelmingly, simply for the purpose of acquiring wealth and recognition. Ironically, (and I now believe that "Irony" has a very dark sense of humor) I was expelled from the profession for having succumbed to what I believe to be the Anesthesiologist's bane....Opioid Addiction....mine being Sufentanil, which I became familiar with while practicing cardio-thoracic anesthesia.
Now, Big Pharma, the AMA, and various others in the Allopathic Compendium of players, will do virtually ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to protect their multi-billion ("multi" meaning hundreds and hundreds of billions) dollar/year profit margins...up to and most sadly, including murder. Contrary to what Big Pharma and the AMA would like you to believe, their purpose is NOT to help people, nor cure such things as cancer, but their objective is to make money...and lots and lots of it.
I'm sorry for the lengthy discourse; but I wanted to be honest about my "checkered past." But my expulsion from the medical profession, doesn't negate the validity of my previous statements. I look at the loss of practicing medicine as a gift which has allowed me to grow in various ways; ways that have allowed me to look deeper into the machinery of connectedness which all things share.
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A Brief Look at the Life of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife
Dr. Rife and the Development of the Rife Machine and Rife Frequencies