An Introduction to Biophotons
Dr. Fritz Albert Popp once stated that “we know today that man, essentially, is a being of light”. This is currently being proven by the modern science of photobiology. With respect to healing, the implications are great. We at present know, for instance, that quanta of light can start, or stop, cascade-like reactions in the cells, and that genetic cellular damage can be nearly repaired rather quickly by faint beams of light. Along these lines, Dr. Popp also stated that “we are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”
Who is Dr. Fritz Albert Popp?
Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp (born May 11, 1938) is a German scientist in biophysics who focuses on biophotonics. He earned a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Mainz in 1969 and was awarded Professorship by the Senate of Marburg University. His work looked at the quantum theory of many-particle systems and through his research is was able to prove the existence of “biophotons”. Dr. Popp has published eight books and has more than 150 scientific articles and studies that address basic questions of theoretical physics, biology, complementary medicine, and biophotons.
What are biophotons?
Biophotons are photons of light in the ultraviolet and low visible light range that are generated (and emitted) by a biological system. Prof. Popp demonstrated that DNA in living cells stores and releases photons creating “biophotonic emissions” which may hold the solution to illness and health. Biophoton emission (BPE) refers to the phenomenon of constant and spontaneous emission of light from all biological systems including humans due to metabolic activities, without excitation or enhancement. This occurs in the visible and UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum at ultralow intensities. Biophotonics is a branch of quantum biology that looks at the interactions between single-photons and biological matter in order to understand the inner workings of cells and tissues in living organisms. It is presumably the best explanation for understanding cell function by integrating molecular activities within the living cells.
What is an example of a study Dr. Popp conducted?
An intriguing study performed by Dr. Popp involved the molecules benzoapyrene, a cancer-causing, and benzoepyrene, a molecule safe for humans. It was shown that the former molecule, benzoapyrene, absorbed UV light and then re-emitted it at a different frequency (i.e. “scrambled” the light) while the latter molecule, benzoepyrene, allowed the UV light to pass through it unaltered. This interesting observation led Dr. Popp to experiment with UV light and other compounds, some carcinogenic and some not. From his findings, Dr. Popp was able to predict which substances were carcinogenic - he observed that compounds that were carcinogenic would only react to light at a specific frequency (380 nm) by absorbing it and then re-emitting it at a different frequency (i.e. were light scramblers).
An Introduction to Biophotons
Who is Dr. Fritz Albert Popp?
What are biophotons?
What is an example of a study Dr. Popp conducted?