ICs & Complexes

Results for Integumentary: Vitamins and Minerals
    109 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Cell Salts, also known as tissue salts, are minerals used in homeopathic medicine to help support the body’s health and healing process. There are ...
    63.8 k
Imprint Advanced Multimineral Formula is a balanced blend of minerals that help one stay healthy. It may be used to support mineral repletion as well as sp...
    67.6 k
Imprint Amino acids are essential to life as they are needed to build proteins, help with the production of hormones and blood cells, support the maintenan...
    2.58 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Beauty Sleep Blend may help improve sleep quality, reduce stress and anxiety, support metabolism, enhance mood, improve mental clarity and concentr...
    22 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Bee pollen is nutrient-rich plant pollen that has been used for centuries in Eastern cultures. It is regarded as a superfood with great potential t...
    62 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint Biotin is in the B complex family of vitamins. It is most widely known for it ability to strengthen hair and nails, and improve the texture of skin...
Imprint -
Contains: Alkaline Complex Azithromycin Ciprofloxacin Cyclophosphamide Cystopyelonephritis and 1 more...
    33.8 k
Imprint Buffered Vitamin C provides all the benefits of vitamin C; however, it is easier on the stomach. It is beneficial for sensitive individuals as well...
    36.5 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint Butyrate is produced by healthy bacteria in the large intestine via the fermentation of soluble fiber. It is the primary fuel for cells of the larg...
    3.56 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint GANS, or gas in a nanosolid state, is a state of matter at its atomic level. CH3, or Iron, GANS is one of the four main GANS. It may be used to ene...
Imprint This is a very comprehensive set of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and glandular extracts. Proper adrenal function requires v...
    3.6 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) is a compound that is naturally produced in the body and can also be found in fatty fish such as sardines and salmon. I...
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