ICs 及 複合物

結果 為了 骨骼和肌肉 + 消化
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Cuprum Arsenicosum 1CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from copper arsenite that may help manage cramps, spasms, and nervous system disorders. It ...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Cuprum Fluoratum 2DH is a homeopathic remedy that may help manage diarrhea as well as cramps that occur before stool.
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Cuprum Metallicum,也稱為銅,是一種順勢療法,可以幫助緩解各種類型的痙攣,包括腿部痙攣、足部痙攣、肌肉痙攣和月經痙攣。它還可能有助於控制與咳嗽相關的症狀,包括痙攣性咳嗽、氣喘發作、百日咳和窒息性咳嗽發作。
    4.5 千
Imprint Cuprum Metallicum(俗稱銅)是一種順勢療法藥物,可用於治療腿抽筋、肌肉痙攣、月經來潮、懷孕期間的腿抽筋、懷孕期間的腳抽筋、痙攣性疼痛、咳嗽、痙攣性咳嗽、哮喘發作、百日咳、和令人窒息的咳嗽發作。
Imprint Cuprum Metallicum and Hyoscyamus Niger 4CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help in the management of spasmodic conditions. It may help address spa...
    4.9 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint D-核糖是一種簡單的糖,天然存在於身體的每個活細胞中。它是核糖核酸 (RNA)、乙酰輔酶 A 和三磷酸腺苷 (ATP) 的關鍵成分。 D-核糖可用於幫助支持 ATP 能量產生、增加能量、對抗疲勞、幫助治療慢性疲勞綜合徵、幫助治療心肌功能障礙、改善肌肉功能、支持肌肉恢復、增強運動表現、改善鍛煉後...
    3.9 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint D-甘露糖是一種天然存在的單醣,存在於各種水果和蔬菜中,包括小紅莓、桃子、蘋果、西蘭花和青豆。它也可以在體內由葡萄糖產生。 D-甘露糖補充劑可用於幫助治療和預防尿路感染 (UTI) 和膀胱炎(膀胱感染)。它也可用於幫助消化碳水化合物和治療碳水化合物缺乏糖蛋白綜合徵。
    60.3 千
Imprint D-葡糖二酸鈣是一種類似於稱為葡糖二酸的天然物質的化學物質。 D-葡糖二酸鈣是通過將葡糖二酸與鈣結合製成的。它可用於預防乳腺癌、前列腺癌和結腸癌;以及從體內清除致癌物質、有毒物質和類固醇激素。它也可用於維持已經正常的膽固醇水平並促進健康的激素代謝。 D-葡糖二酸鈣也被證明可以通過增強激素和環境...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Desmodium Ascendens Tincture is derived from the plant desmodium ascendens, commonly known as "Tick Trefoil". It may help support the liver, promot...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Desmodium Plus is an herbal blend that may help support liver health as well as promote detoxification. This IC was made with the help of milk this...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Diarrhea (Banerji) is a specific combination of homeopathic remedies that may help manage diarrhea symptoms. This IC was made with the help of Cupr...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Digestive Bitter Blend is a mix of organic bitter plants and herbs that may help support digestion. This IC was made with the help of gentian root,...