ICs 及 複合物

結果 為了 線粒體和能量生產 + 內分泌
Imprint This IC Complex is designed to help harmonize blood sugar, blood fats, and body fat levels.
包含: 育亨賓 運動員的能量劑 阿托伐他汀 二甲雙胍
Imprint This IC Complex may help provide a healthy and energetic start to the day for many women.
包含: 女性能量補充 D-葡萄糖酸鈣 Pre + 益生菌 L-甲狀腺素 孕烯醇酮 還有1...
    14 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint NAC + 奶薊結合了 N-乙酰半胱氨酸 (NAC) 和奶薊,可能有助於支持肝功能、線粒體功能和解毒。
    22.1 千
    Immersion Health
Imprint NF-kappa beta 位於一長串炎症信號的開始。它不僅在急性和慢性炎症條件下升高,而且在癌症中起關鍵作用並維持有利於其進展的狀態。該 IC 是在薑黃素、乳香、蜂膠、綠茶、生薑、迷迭香、芹菜、Lens esculenta 和胡椒的提取物的幫助下製成的,以及 α 硫辛酸和反式白藜蘆醇。這是一...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Nannochloropsis Gaditana, recognized for its exceptional nutritional profile, is a species of microalgae rich in beta-carotene and an excellent sou...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Nicotine is a stimulant and highly addictive chemical predominantly found in the tobacco plant. It is the main ingredient in various tobacco produc...
Imprint This IC Complex is designed to help reduce night sweats.
包含: 女性複合維生素 花啤酒花 更年期舒緩 黑升麻根 乳清酸鎂 還有1...
    Vie Rayonnante
可聽的 This IC Complex contains Nogier Frequencies. Nogier frequencies are designed to target specific parts of the body or specific conditions. It is rec...
包含: C (1168 Hz) Nogier G (146 Hz) Nogier D (2326 Hz) Nogier A (292 Hz) Nogier E (4672 Hz) Nogier 還有2...
    86.3 千
    Immersion Health
Imprint 這是橄欖油多酚、必需脂肪酸和薑黃素的混合物。這些都充分證明了它們對心血管健康、癌症預防、關節健康、激素調節等的益處。它也是一種非常好的抗炎配方,在任何慢性炎症疼痛的情況下都應考慮使用,例如關節炎疼痛或炎症性腸病。
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Organic goat's rue, derived from a herb indigenous to Europe and the Middle East, is renowned for its varied medicinal properties. It is rich in co...
Imprint This IC Complex may help support endurance and oxygen supply. Combine it with the Oxygen PEMF for optimal results.
包含: Fluticasone Propionate Salbutamol Sulfate 冬蟲夏草 能量提升 氧氣支持 還有1...
    4.3 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint PQQ + CoQ10 結合了吡咯並喹啉醌 (PQQ) 和輔酶 Q10,可能有助於支持心血管、線粒體和神經系統健康。